Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

So much experienced last week. Some truly tragic involving loss.  Revelations about hurt inflicted on others. Developments (ongoing) on the government side (not just in D.C.). A very successful function supporting a great program including its two centers serving seniors (where I serve as board chair). A great concert and an anniversay both of whic

Corey Bearak
Pavers All Over
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Early this summer Shelly “declared” we would redo the “patio” and garden space below our deck next year in time for next summer. She meant a total redo to a space I did on my own probably at least 25 years. Some of the space, including a spot for the grill on Belgian blocks became an afterthought when we replaced the deck. At the July 17 meeting

Corey Bearak
Gotham works
Posted By : Corey Bearak

At Gotham meetings we’ll mention the “Power of Gotham.” How through Fredslist which I have moderated since last fall, we find help for our needs, some rather difficult, place friends and relatives and some of us in new gigs. Many of us look good to friends, relatives – and clients who benefit from the introductions to the professionals in our Gotha

Corey Bearak
Gotham works
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Today’s Sunday blog covers how the right tribe behind you and with you helps you make a difference and makes a difference for you and the other with whom you connect. Please read on!   Since I began moderating Fredslist (and Promolist) at the end of last summer I early get to see requests for help, as well as thank yous to members of our Gotham tri

Corey Bearak
Happy Father’s Day!
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Happy Father’s Day!   I already enjoyed a stellar card from Marisa – she always finds a card with the right sentiments and message --earlier this past week and mom’s on Friday.   Sometimes we barbecue; mostlyhere, albeit as detailed in this space last year I caught a break and our nephew hosted.   No BBQ this year.   Unfortunately an institution

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

In the good weather I like to set up my office outside. I discussed its re-opening a few weeks ago but, until Friday, an important component remained missing. I needed to replace the fan. I ordered one and it was expected for this coming Thursday. Alas, it arrived and I set it up on Friday. It gets covered when not in use. The next day I enjoyed it

Corey Bearak
Something new
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Like a good friend, I can enjoy a good swim. Unlike that friend, my swim facility only recently became “available” to me. My second time I visited it with Shelly. She makes other use of it (and maintained her affiliation for several years before I recently selected it) but I still swam, and evidently we already plan two more successive visits. I

Corey Bearak
office outside
Posted By : Corey Bearak

One of the nice thing with more temperate weather involves hanging outside. I enjoy an outdoor office in these times including as a place to compose this blog. Of course setting up the office requires more than just a RE-opening: no comparison (exists) to returning to a summer (or winter) vacation home. Making it ready requires power washing a d

Corey Bearak
Closer to home
Posted By : Corey Bearak

If my recollections remain correct I’ve called ten places home, three almost a sort of hiatus between more longer term stays. I thought about that as my son looks forward to his latest home. Two shared with his parents. My son experienced three of the City’s five boroughs as a home. I’ve remained in Queens with a brief early stay across its eas

Corey Bearak
Making sense
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Our Friday blogger “complains” – perhaps mentors – that I use social media not enough. He often cajoles me to post – comment – more, especially on things that matter.  My wife sometimes counters I post too often.  On Facebook some friends (small f intended) may share divergent opinions.   Where facts support another view, I feel compelled to empha

Corey Bearak
A milestone reached
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Yesterday involved a new milestone very important to me. I certainly welcomed it and gladly survived it. I write not about some annual date which always merits celebration reaching a level generally considered symbolic. Yesterday marked a return to court (and not the legal variety that a friend advised I strongly consider). A leg ailment and

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Gatherings serve many purposes. Discussed one last week. There were two this weekend. One tested me a bit since the bat in the rear of my car failed to see the light of day in slightly more than a year. The other represented a test of connection and how things endure despite distance in time and place. Technology prevailed in both cases; it fac

Corey Bearak
A Family Affair
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This morning into afternoon members of the Bearak, Stone and Stark clans gather to celebrate a special milestone: Mom’s 80th.  If not for my involvement a primary election involving my good friend and client, the party (and this blog) would have occurred the weekend before. Anyway, mom got a nice present when she got to visit and view the new apar

Corey Bearak
My Kind Woman
Posted By : Corey Bearak

My household changes in the summer.   When one works in a school for the NYC Department of Education aka NYC Public Schools, one generally enjoys most of the season without any work responsibilities; so it goes for “Mrs. B.”   Of course some exceptions exist to that rule but not here in Grand Junction, the name my daughter gave our home in a s

Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Folks know my enjoyment of basketball.   I still play two times weekly, most often one eve and one weekend morning.   I talk basketball with my friends, mostly the pro game.   We discuss who the Knicks should keep or trade and what they need.   Strong feelings exist around certain players. Before the draft one friend suggested trading KP for a