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Fred Klein
Posted By : Fred Klein

I have had a beard since 2011 and on and off before then.   The most compelling reason therefor is the luxury of not having to shave each morning. In my curly haired case, shaving was probably more daunting than for others.   Call me lazy or practical, I'm one satisfied non shaver! Not only does my beard add stress free minutes to my day, but, obvi

Benjamin Geizhals
Posted By : Benjamin Geizhals

I thought I was “brushed”.“Brushing”, I quickly learned, is a scam connected to identity theft.This all unfolded was when I returned home to find four packages from Amazon had been delivered. Not having ordered anything, I was curious and opened the packages hoping to find some indication of where they came from. The contents were assorted items: c

Shawn Bernabeu
Posted By : Shawn Bernabeu

When I was growing up the Winters were cold, sometimes really cold. The summers were hot, sometimes really hot. There wasnt much of a prediction, the snow just showed up without much warning. Sometime a little, sometimes alot. People just accepted it, after all its winter. The Meteorology profession didnt get much respect, it became widely believed

Nancy Schess
My New Toy
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Yes, I know I am late to this party but I have just discovered an air fryer.   I have talked about one for years and I am pretty sure my son just got tired of hearing me. And, so my birthday gift this year was, you guessed it, an air fryer.   I do like to cook so a cooking gadget or tool is always a good gift.  I can still remember how excited I wa

Rona Gura
Posted By : Rona Gura

I have to admit that I am jealous of my husband. We can walk into a restaurant and he can order a French onion soup, with extra cheese, a  steak with all the trimmings—loaded baked potato and rolls with butter.  No second thoughts, no sideways glances from the waiter. He’s able to indulge and clearly enjoy doing it.   I, on the other hand, will gen

Corey Bearak
When it's cold outside
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Grandpa Sol used to tell his eldest grandchild: “Stay calm and cool at all times.”  Not easy to follow as so many triggers to be anything but calm occur -- often daily. That said, I more than followed that advice yesterday.  No clock really existed on my time.  I knew I would pick up my daughter, visit mom and go to the mall with Shelly and there w

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."--Nelson Mandela   Is it really conquering fear that is brave? I believe we all experience fear. Fear has helped humans survive through the years. So being afraid is important. However, if fear drives you or prevents you from living life, then let's be brave.   In my