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Mitch Tobol
By design
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

T-shirts. The unmistakeable sign of an attitude. What attitude that might be is up to the wearer and for us to guess.   Some throw one on without any thought as to what it says or what it means, while others carefully pick one out that fits the statement they want to make.    In my ad hoc poll, most T-shirt wearers are conscious about the statement

Fred Klein
Posted By : Fred Klein

Ever since the "Third rate" Watergate burglary, I have reserved judgement and operate on a "Nothing is as it appears" (or as they tell us) basis.  Does that make me a cynic?  You tell me.  My mind set is that "Up is Down and Down is Up" and what was once bad is now often good (and the reverse). Am I prone to believing conspiracy theories?  I know,

Benjamin Geizhals
Posted By : Benjamin Geizhals

Having recently been exposed to Covid, and with the protocols having rescinded into memory, I was left to my own devices.I pulled out the box of N-95s and wore one when I walked around the office or when in a room with others.When alone in my office I closed the door and the mask came off.People may have looked at me strangely, and when asked, I re

Shelley Simpson
Fact or Friction
Posted By : Shelley Simpson

It intrigues me that there are people who still believe the earth is flat AND they have arguments to support their belief.   I saw the movie “Moneyball again last week and was reminded of the friction between intuition and science.    We humans are hardwired to be suspicious of new things – our intuition and instinct for survival lean away from the

Nancy Schess
My Summer Vacation
Posted By : Nancy Schess

It is that time of year when things slow down, and people take time off.  With that, the topic of conversation often turns to vacation.  Are you taking any vacation this summer, people might ask?   This year, my answer is different.  My vacations are coming to me.   If you spend any time with me at all, you know that my children currently live far

Rona Gura
The Importance of Self Care
Posted By : Rona Gura

This is a public service blog.   In late April, I had my annual full body check with my dermatologist. All was well.   About three weeks later I noticed a new small “pimple,” on my nose. I thought nothing of it initially. But when a week passed and then two weeks passed and it did not heal, I became apprehensive. I finally scheduled another appoint

Corey Bearak
Like new
Posted By : Corey Bearak

For several weeks I prepared for last Monday morning.  I need to remove my diplomas and bar admission from my office walls; ditto some awards -- including my Gotham Red Bandana plaque. And a photo on me as a young one turned into a painting that once hung in my paternal grandparents' den at their former home in Hollis Hills.  All my signed baseball

Mitch Tobol
Grass roots
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

This is not about's about an event in the tiny town of Trumansburg, NY that surprised me. The GrassRoots Festival of Music & Dance is a four-day celebration that started in 1991 and transforms this sleepy upstate town into a sprawling hub of music, dance, and community spirit.   Music from bluegrass to reggae, and an atmosphere

Fred Klein
Taking Credit
Posted By : Fred Klein

As I mature and my life evolves I amaze myself that I no longer have that unquenchable thirst to take credit for something I did, inspired or created.  Taking credit is the action of allowing people to know that you did something that deserves praise or special attention.  For a very long time that was important to me, but lately I have let it go a

Benjamin Geizhals
Posted By : Benjamin Geizhals

"Interesting". We all know what it means.Clients tell me that they never want you to hear that their situation is “interesting”. Leave "interesting" for someone else.And so it was that I was in pre-op as the anesthesiologist reviewed a potential complication in my case.“This is interesting”, she said.I laughed and told her that that was the last t