Rona Gura
My Ring
Posted By : Rona Gura

  With the publication of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying-up, the Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,” the process of decluttering is a topic that there has recently been a lot of interest in  the media. One of the author’s basic premises is only keep an object if, when holding it, it brings you “joy.”     In reading the reviews and

Rona Gura
What Does the Word Mean?
Posted By : Rona Gura

  I thought the following would be a good follow-up to Cayce’s blog from last week.     The word “feminist” has been tossed around my house a lot lately. My family knows that I consider myself a feminist. Recently, at dinner my older daughter told us that she also considers herself a feminist. My younger daughter contributed to the conversation

Rona Gura
I Should Have Said. . .
Posted By : Rona Gura

  It started out as a fun Saturday evening. My husband and I met friends of ours for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Our friends had never been to this particular restaurant and so they enjoyed being with us and exploring a new place.     It happened at the end of what would have been a perfect evening. As we were finishing our coffee

Rona Gura
A New Beginning
Posted By : Rona Gura

  There are certain days of the year that I feel re-energized. Almost as if it’s time to start again. The day after Labor Day is one of those times. After slowing down a bit over the summer, the Tuesday after Labor Day     The Monday after New Year’s feels the same. I am invigorated by the thought of a new year and try to start the year off wit

Rona Gura
Me Time
Posted By : Rona Gura

  The holidays are a busy time. We’re all running around from work to office parties to the stores to buy gifts and to gatherings with family and friends. While, for many, it’s a fun time, it is also a very hectic time. I wonder how often, especially during the holidays, people take time just for themselves.     For me, my “me time” is often spen

Rona Gura
Your Delivery is Here
Posted By : Rona Gura

  It’s become an epidemic in my office. When they first started appearing, it was every few weeks. Then they began appearing weekly and now it’s almost daily.     I am talking about deliveries of the brown, cardboard boxes with the smiles on them. The box that signifies that someone in my office received a delivery from Amazon Prime. When I first

Rona Gura
Baby, It's Not Cold Outside
Posted By : Rona Gura

  It’s the news story that is being covered all over the news, on the web, television, and in print. It seems that winter has not yet arrived in the northeast. States all over the northeast are setting records for high temperatures, with the weather in mid-December feeling more like September. Buffalo, New York, where my daughter goes to school, is

Rona Gura
My Treat to Myself
Posted By : Rona Gura

  I love having the Sunday Times delivered to my home. I look forward to reading the magazine on Saturday afternoons along with the Real Estate section. The Real Estate section is one of my favorite parts because I love reading about Manhattan real estate.     I have my methods to reading. On Saturday, it’s always Real Estate first, followed by t

Rona Gura
Emoji is Now A Word in the Dictionary
Posted By : Rona Gura

  A friend asked me to look at a text conversation on her phone last week. She thought it was funny and wanted to share it with me.   In looking through the text conversation, I could not help but be amazed at the amount of emoji’s each of them were using to express themselves.   Does anyone use words anymore ?

Rona Gura
Viva La France
Posted By : Rona Gura

  I had to follow up Mitch’s blog about the horror in Paris with one of my own. Mitch did an incredible job writing about the facts. For me, today, it’s all about the emotions. As I commented on Mitch’s blog on Sunday, two days after the attacks, “My heart hurts.”     The Sunday Times reported that many of the victims at the concert and the resta

Rona Gura
Changing Paths
Posted By : Rona Gura

  I have been thinking and talking a lot lately about reinventing oneself. Many of my clients seem to want to change careers or other aspects of themselves after going through a divorce. I am not a therapist but it seems like a natural progression to me.     A good friend-who has not gone through a divorce-has seemed to reinvent herself as a very

Rona Gura
I am Woman
Posted By : Rona Gura

  It has not happened to me in a while so I was, admittedly, unprepared when it did. I was speaking to another lawyer-a man- about a fee his client was obligated to pay my firm on behalf of my client (a typical circumstance in divorce cases). Despite me initially agreeing to reducing the fee and giving the husband sixty days to pay the reduced fee

Rona Gura
Game Day Connections
Posted By : Rona Gura

  As I have said so many times, I am not a sports fan. I have, however, recently  begun to appreciate how sports can bring people together.     My husband Philip, as most of you do know, is an avid Jets fan. So is my brother. And so I was glad to answer the phone when my brother called on Saturday night to offer to watch the Jets-Patriots game

Rona Gura
Snoozing. . .
Posted By : Rona Gura

  I have a habit that drives my husband crazy; I am a snoozer. Every morning, I set my alarm clock for, at least, fifteen minutes before I have to get out of bed. Then, in the morning, I let the alarm clock go off and hit the snooze button, at least three times. Obviously, my snoozing habit wakes my husband up if he’s still sleeping.     My husba

Rona Gura
Taking A Leap
Posted By : Rona Gura

  When was the last time you completely stepped out of your comfort zone and did something crazy? That is not something I do very often. Generally, I am a cautious person and do not, comfortably step away from my comfort zone.     Most people who know me know I have a fear of flying. In order to fly, I generally take valium so I can sleep through


It's Monday, Monday. Let me know what you think about. . .

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