Nancy Schess
Drop Your Pants
Posted By : Nancy Schess

No, I am not suggesting a new Gotham group or outing. But, in New York this week, hundreds of people took the “No Pants Subway Ride”. Here is how it worked, I am told. Get on the subway with a group of people. When the moment is called, drop your pants, act as if nothing is happening – and then watch your fellow subway riders react. This phen

Nancy Schess
A New Year's Tradition
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Well, maybe just for me. As we were driving to dinner on New Year’s Eve, I turned to my family and reminded them that I was once again expecting everyone to share a resolution as the evening progressed. I have long been a fan of resolutions and in general, setting goals. I believe that saying it out loud has much to do with making it happen. Al

Nancy Schess
Coming Soon To a Vending Machine Near You
Posted By : Nancy Schess

One component of the Affordable Care Act in the news these days is a requirement that vending machines display the calorie count for each of the items available for sale. The idea is that knowledgeable consumers will consume fewer calories, curbing an epidemic of obesity in our country and resulting in lower healthcare costs. The vending machine in

Nancy Schess
In The Spirit of the Season
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Instead of calling the police, an Ohio coffee shop held a food drive for a man who stole from the tip jar. A few weeks ago, a man came into the coffee shop, helped himself to the tips and promptly ran out the door. The staff of the coffee shop was moved by the plight of the thief. So, rather than turn him in, in the holiday spirit they started a f

Nancy Schess
When Dreams Come True
Posted By : Nancy Schess

The moral in the story is that dreams can come true. I am speechless -- not a state I find myself in often. As parents, we watch our children work towards their goals. Sometimes they struggle and fall down. We are proud of their accomplishments but also of the path they took to their achievements. It hasn’t always been an easy or even a straigh

Nancy Schess
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Have you seen this in the news? A new stunt among teenagers appears to be growing in popularity. The “knockout game” entails attacking people without warning and “winning” is achieved by a quick and violent conclusion. A Pittsburgh teacher collapsed head first onto the ground after becoming a “knockout game” victim. A Brooklyn man was” knocked ou

Nancy Schess
See You All Tonight
Posted By : Nancy Schess

Tonight is our annual Holiday party and I am looking forward to seeing all of you there. Our response this year was so fantastic that I am sort of convinced that each and every one of you will actually be there! Tonight we will announce not only our Networkers of the Year and the winners of our Summer of Giving but also the recipient of our Red B

Nancy Schess
What Would You Do?
Posted By : Nancy Schess

An eighth Princeton University student was diagnosed this past Friday with meningitis. To me, this is terrifying. With a daughter getting ready to head off to college next year, this outbreak has my attention, as I expect it has many parents’ attention with college age children. This latest reported student comes after the university announced th

Nancy Schess
An Infomercial Buyer
Posted By : Nancy Schess

For the longest time, when my mother couldn’t sleep she would shop in the middle of the night. Not at the mall, but from the privacy of her own television. And, she was a really good customer, most often buying those things that caught her fancy in threes – one for herself, one for my sister and one for me. I still have the grilled cheese contrapti

Nancy Schess
Their Voices Were Heard
Posted By : Nancy Schess

I was expecting a “proud mama” moment on Saturday as we headed into the city for Gotham’s First High School Oratorical Competition. My daughter was about to lead an event that had her “mark” all over it and which fuels her passion. Now, don’t get me wrong, she did not let me down. It was quite a “proud mama” experience. But, the (almost) better e

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Tuesday musings . . . and be careful because if you are around on Monday when I am writing, you could wind up the subject of my blog!
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