Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

It's breaking records just about everyday. Record heatwaves are a stark reminder of the urgent need to address climate change.   They impact our health, the environment, and our communities...we need to stay hydrated big time. My coaches used to tell me to "drink before you're thirsty." Great advice, so get yourself a tall glass of water.

Mitch Tobol
A new restaurant model?
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Not sure if this will catch on, but I sat down to eat lunch at a diner of sorts. In order to get food or drink I had to use the QR code in front of me to place the order, which isn't unusual. However, before any server spoke with me or had any staff interaction I had to pay for my meal AND leave a tip!    Is this the new paradigm?    BTW, I looked

Mitch Tobol
Only 93
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I'll be lucky if I make it to 93, although I do know someone who has—my Mom.   Today is her 93rd birthday. We are having a family celebration this morning at the Sunrise Assisted Living Center where she has called home for over 8 years. Although she can't remember much, she has experienced a lifetime of memories that my sister and I now seem to hav

Mitch Tobol
ChatGPT or Me
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Last week I published a poem on getting old. To be transparent, as I am, it was ChatGPT generated.   What I posted wasn't exactly what the generative AI produced, but pretty close. I didn't take the time to edit and "humanize" it which I wanted to do. And only one person asked me who created this...Odey.   And that's the interesting and potenti

Mitch Tobol
Thoughts on Aging
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

In the tapestry of time, threads silver and gold, Each strand is a story, each wrinkle a tale untold, Aging isn't a curse, but a gracious unfold, Of life lived in depth, in warmth, and in cold.   Days whisper softly, in sunsets of molten hue, Reminding us gently of things we once knew. Each dawn is a blessing, every twilight is too, Age is but sta

Mitch Tobol
The only constant
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

  Change is really the only constant in our lives with new technologies, evolving trends, and societal transformations. However, so many people resist it. They seem to gravitate to plans and habits.   I don't think we should overlook these continuous changes even within ourselves. Every experience, challenge, and lesson molds us into the individual

Mitch Tobol
The Power of Human Connection
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

It occurred to me, while on the marketing business seminar the other day, that it's easy to get lost in a sea of screens and digital interactions. While advancements in communication have brought us closer in some ways, the rise of social media, Zoom, and smartphones can sometimes make us feel more disconnected. In these times, it's essential to re

Mitch Tobol
The Final Frontier
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Sending rockets to space is a wild ride and incredibly difficult. For instance:   Rockets need a TON of energy to escape Earth's gravitational pull, and that means carrying tons of fuel. Rockets need to be going 17,500 miles per hour to reach orbit (that's just a bit faster than I drive:) Weather plays a major role in whether a launch can hap

Mitch Tobol
Sounds of silence
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Have you ever thought about driving in silence? It may sound weird at first, but trust me, it's worth giving it a try.    When I'm quiet in my car, no music or talk radio, I'm able to clear my mind and be more mindful. I think about the day that passed, or get ready for the day ahead, or even create solutions for marketing challenges I'm faced with

Mitch Tobol
Be open
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I started teaching last week and in the first class I always rant about the process they will be going through. I emphatically and passionately make a plea for each student to approach the class with an open heart and an open mind.   If they are able to be vulnerable, each student will learn about themselves in their journey of building a business

Mitch Tobol
Some dugouts are better than others
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Yes...this is true.  At the World Baseball Classic, Italy’s dugout has an espresso machine.    Mike Piazza, a former Met, who plays for the Italian team said he was dissatisfied the coffee was being served in a paper cup and not a ceramic one.   “I don’t like espresso out of a paper cup. It’s kind of sacrilege,” Piazza said. “But when it’s the onl

Mitch Tobol
I forgot
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I visited a client yesterday in Orangeburg NY. The meeting was at noon and the drive from my office was about 75 minutes. Nice ride.   The meeting ended at 3p and the drive back was 2 + hours. I had forgotten how much traffic there is around here. I still love to drive but I will think about the time I make appointments in the future.

Mitch Tobol
Trigger Warning?
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

It may be the pendulum has swung too far. The words "Trigger Warning" now do the opposite of what they were intended for.   There is evidence that trigger warnings may harm the very population they intend to help. A Harvard study involving 451 trauma survivors, published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science in 2020, found that trigger warn

Mitch Tobol
Empty plane
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

Traveling to California to see my daughter and son in law, we took Delta from NY to San Francisco. When I booked the flight my choice of seats were limited. However when we pulled back from airport to take off, to my surprise, the plane was half empty (or was it half full :)   I guess the public is not flying to CA anymore? Did people change their

Mitch Tobol
Posted By : Mitch Tobol

I love my drive home from work. It's anywhere from 27 minutes to roughly 45. It totally depends on how fast I feel like driving. Last night was about 40 minutes, I was in a reflective mood.   I listen to books (right now it's Sapiens, a fascinating perspective on our species), satellite and terrestrial radio, and sometimes I don't and drive in sil

Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...

It's Saturday...and anything goes.

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