Tags - court
Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I generally know the topic of a blog in advance and, today, I expected to urge folks to apply and/or encourage others to apply for the Gotham Green Awards®. Circumstances changed and how. Between dinner and dessert Friday eve, I learned that we lost a veritable national treasure — Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Ruth Bad

Corey Bearak
Rock and more rock
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Last week I needed to prefile my blog. Simple reason. A flight from Edinburgh, Scotland to JFK. One might call it a classical trip. It involved an awful lot of rock.   My daughter and I landed a week ago Monday and promptly visited two castles, Hampton Court and Windsor.   Tuesday involved the musical variety: a classic rock/ Beatles tour (See pic

Corey Bearak
A milestone reached
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Yesterday involved a new milestone very important to me. I certainly welcomed it and gladly survived it. I write not about some annual date which always merits celebration reaching a level generally considered symbolic. Yesterday marked a return to court (and not the legal variety that a friend advised I strongly consider). A leg ailment and

Cayce Crown
Your Turn
Posted By : Cayce Crown

"Your Turn," that is the name of the 10 min film you are encouraged to watch if you are chosen to be in the Jury select pool in New York State. It promotes the idea that you are doing a great service and the trials will be "fascinating." I'll leave it up to our litigating Gothamites to answer that one. For $40 a day, if you are not being paid be an

Corey Bearak
A New board; it's elementary!
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Twice a week I go to court.  Not unusual for an attorney but not that kind of venue. It may surprise some folks but I get together with some good guys Saturday mornings and Tuesdays eves to play ball; we play full court basketball over two hours. Mostly it includes men of a certain age; a few younger, and sometimes a few younger ones (a son and st