02.05.2025 (2 days ago)


2 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

When I was growing up the Winters were cold, sometimes really cold. The summers were hot, sometimes really hot. There wasnt much of a prediction, the snow just showed up without much warning. Sometime a little, sometimes alot. People just accepted it, after all its winter. The Meteorology profession didnt get much respect, it became widely believed that these people made a lot of money to be on TV doing the Weather and were mostly wrong. Fast forward to today, the profession hasnt changed much, but there is a lot of new terminology. Now in the winter, when it gets cold you hear the weather media flooding the airwaves with a new term - Polar Vortex. The term has been around for decades but in the past 10 years it seems to have really been the HOT phrase for the winter. But the meterology profession still hasnt improved its reputation much. Still mostly wrong, with alot of new scientific sounding terms. 

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