Group Chair And Coordinators

Group Chair

Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Lisa Waterman
The Garibaldi Group...A boutique accounting firm that takes financial, management and consulting services to a new level of responsiveness!

Group Co-ordinators

Lisa Waterman
The Garibaldi Group...A boutique accounting firm that takes financial, management and consulting services to a new level of responsiveness!
Crysti Farra
Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
Lisa Waterman
The Garibaldi Group...A boutique accounting firm that takes financial, management and consulting services to a new level of responsiveness!
Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!

Gotham Groups

Women Long Island

Recognizing the emergence of women in all aspects of late 20th Century life, the Women's Group of Gotham was formed in September 1998 for the purpose of bringing together service-oriented professional women in complementary fields. Gotham LI Women is the second group within the Women’s Division and was formed in 2004. The group's goal is to provide a forum for women to support other women in their business pursuits and to share contacts, ideas and resources. Members have formed strong bonds and have come together to support each other's professional and personal endeavors. Gotham LI Women is a non-compete group and meets for breakfast on Long Island.

  • Oct29

    Long Island Women Group Meeting

    THE GOTHAM WOMEN OF LONG ISLAND GROUP MEETING Join us for a great morning!   Hosted by Marie Elena Puma at the offices of: Russo Law Group 100 Quentin Roosevelt Boulevard Suite 102Garden City, New York 11530 516-683-1717   Please contact , ...>>

  • Dec12

    JOINt MEETING: LI and LI Women

    JOINT MEETING: LI and LI WOMEN Group Meeting Join us doubly profitable networking experience!   Hosted by Ben Geizhals at: Moritt Hock & Hamroff 400 Garden City Plaza, 2nd FloorGarden City, NY 11530(516) 873-2000     Non-members, plea, ...>>