Group Chair And Coordinators

Group Chair

Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor

Group Co-ordinators

Gotham Groups


A general group with members from all industries and professions including service-oriented professionals, trades, entrepreneurs and professional services firms as well as nonprofit members. General group members include men and women of all ages and industry experience.


All in-person scheduled meetings are held at:
55 E. 54th St.
New York, NY

  • Feb19

    Bandit Group Meeting

    BANDIT GROUP MEETING Join us for some great networking!   We'll be in person at:  Nerai 55 E 54th St, New York, NY 10022    $78.75/person, ...>>

  • Mar11

    JOINT MEETING: RE/Construction & Bandit Groups

    JOINT MEETING: Real Estate/Construction and Bandit Group Meeting Come join us as we continue to build great networking experiences!   We will be meeting at: Bobby Vans 135 West 50th St. New York   Cost $65. Please use the Pay Now button Re, ...>>