Maurice Vincent

Group Affiliations:

    Gotham Member

    Maurice Vincent

    29 E. Madison Street Suite LL100, Chicago, Illinois, 60102


    Phone: 312-658-0426

    Company: Ivize Services, Inc.

    Position: Managing Partner

    • work-phone 312-658-0426
    • mail-address
    • mobile 312-479-1634
    • location 29 E. Madison Street
Suite LL100

    An MBA prepared professional that has had the benefit of extensive experience and training in many areas. This consists of over 20 years of direct management and leadership roles in various industries including healthcare, heat treating, text tiles, broadband communications, and litigation support. Specialties include a strong history in operations, fiscal management, forecasting, sales training and development, budgeting, succession planning, customer satisfaction improvement, contract retention and program development.


    IVIZE is one of the nation’s leading litigation support and discovery management companies that helps law firms, corporations, and government entities prepare for discovery.

    Business Category:


    Good Lead: Ivize Services, Inc., provides an array of services to large, medium, and small law firms, in-house counsel, accounting firms, insurance companies, and architectural firms
