[Fredslist] New laptop

Raj Goel, CISSP raj at brainlink.com
Sat Mar 2 12:09:30 EST 2013

I take the best of all worlds approach:

Ipad for daily use, traveling about the city, 90% of my activities - email, contact lookup, web surfing, reading, playing games.

I keep my thinkpad for presentations, heavy work, etc.

And the monster desktop with twin 24" monitors (1 in landscape mode, other portrait) for when I want to be a master if the dataverse.


Rajesh Goel, CISSP 
cell (917) 685-7731 
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc. 
raj at brainlink.com 
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.

Author of "The Most Important Secrets To Getting Great Results From IT"

Vikram Rajan <vik at phoneBlogger.net> wrote:

>It depends on what you want & need:
>- I personally love netbooks (tiny 10"), but they are literally going
>of style (the major brands have announced they are no longer going to
>- I use a 17" when I'm not out & about
>- I don't believe tablets can honestly replace laptops at this point
>(especially those that aren't Windows, like iPads, Androids)
>- I don't like having to re-learn how to use a computer, hence:
>-- I don't like Windows 8. Avoid having to tolerate Windows 8.
>(Did you have to tolerate Microsoft Office 2010 and beyond? The
>curve seems worse.)
>- Likewise, Macs are another learning curve, and expensive... but from
>I've used, very high quality. I like the new Macbook Airs (see my first
>So, what do you want to use your laptop for?
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>On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 9:02 PM, jadler115 <jadler115 at aol.com> wrote:
>> Gothamites
>> My Lenovo laptop has bitten the dust (needs $300 in repairs).   Any
>> suggestions for a new one?      Whats the hot item for today?
>> Janet Adler
>> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S™III, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
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