[Fredslist] 3 Simple Tips to Shift Your Mindset

Becky Wilborn tropicl1 at optonline.net
Wed Nov 7 16:33:55 EST 2012

Hi everyone,
This has been a trying 10 days for those of us affected by Hurricane Sandy. Some are still reeling from her. It is so easy to jump into the arena and join with others that are complaining and blaming, but where does that get you? Likely just makes you more angry and upset and victimized. Nothing will drain your energy and vitality quicker than that. I'm not saying ignore what happened. I am saying ask yourself," What can I be doing right now to go forward? What can I control right now?" Take action and control the things you can. That will help to empower you.

What is 1 thing you're grateful for? Say it out loud or write it down. Hard to think of something? If you can read this, maybe be grateful for your eyesight. If you got up this morning and looked down at the ground and not up at the ground, you could be grateful for that. Maybe be grateful for your health or for people that showed kindness during these last 10 days.  Your Gratitude List could go on and on with even the simplest things that you're grateful for. I was grateful to wake up in my warmer house Mon. AM that was 66 degrees vs. 52 degrees. On those cold nights with no heat, I can't tell you how grateful I was for all the blankets that kept me so warm while I slept. 

I promise you if you do your Gratitude List daily it will be the best medicine for shifting your mindset. Even when you find yourself being cranky, stop for 10 seconds and think of something you are grateful for. Then maybe you'll think of another. This simple exercise can totally turn things around for you, decrease your stress, lower your blood pressure, and create a bit more peace for you.

I don't know if these words will help any of you, but I had to share them. Be well and know you are in my thoughts.


Becky Wilborn, President
Diet Center
120 E. 56th St.
New York, NY 10022

Sent from my iPad

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