[Fredslist] Facebook privacy setting you should change ASAP

Gabriela Levit GLevit at jacarandatech.com
Sat Jan 29 15:10:13 EST 2011

Hello Gotham,

Facebook has finally started providing a way to keep hackers from viewing
your login credentials when you use an open wireless network - E.g. at a
cafe or conference.  They will encrypt your login and password using
“https”, the same way it’s done when you use a credit card for online
purchases. That’s why you see the “lock” icon on your browser. The
performance difference is minor.

Here is how to change your security settings:

You may have to wait a few weeks but check now and sign up as soon as it’s
enabled for your account.

To prove how vulnerable people are, last October a blogger at a random New
York Starbucks was able to steal about 40 facebook identities in half hour:

In the meantime, next time you are at a Starbucks, Panera, etc. it's best
not to login to facebook or any account that sends private information
without encryption.

Have a great weekend!

Gabriela Levit

Jacaranda Technologies, LLC
GLevit at JacarandaTech.com
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