[Fredslist] Really good Hurricane preplist

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Fri Aug 26 09:32:41 EDT 2011

Subject: Hurricane Irene

Often one becomes informed in what they need to learn.  Prior to moving to
Florida, I knew very little about hurricanes.
Now, though, after several years, and quite a few hits, I know more than I
would want!

Expect to lose power....Even if you have a generator, the more you run, the
more power you use up.  Never know how long you will be without power.

Without power,

1. Gas stations don't work.  Fill up your tanks now.

2. ATM machines don't work.  Get cash out now.

3. Do as much laundry as possible, even if it is a small load.  Who knows
the next time for clean clothes?

4. Have flashlights with new batteries.  Candles can always cause a fire.
Flashlights are better.

5. If you take regular medicine, make sure you have a week's supply.  Your
pharmacy may not be open, or the pharmacy may not be getting in new

6. Do not buy food for your frig and freezer.  When you lose power, it will
spoil.  Buy canned food and food that does not need frig or freezer.  Also,
make sure that you have a hand can opener.

7.Have lots of bottled water.  Often, water supplies are compromised.

8.Put towels at the bottom of sliding glass doors.  Rain often comes in.

9.If you have window treatments to the floor, lift up bottom and put on a

10. If you have outdoor area, take EVERYTHING in.  Even tennis balls and
planters.  All of the items outside become projectiles.  It is most often
the projectiles that break the windows, and not the wind.
If you can't put something, such as a basketball hoop or bbq inside, tip it
on your side.

11. Move valuables away from windows.  If possible, put real valuables in an
inside, no window, closet, bathroom, or hallway.

12. Put old beach towels at the bottom of all glass doors, and possibly
window sills.

13. Have enough food for your pets to last a week.

14. Give some thought as to how your dog will go to the bathroom.  Pet
stores sell pads for indoor use.

15. Give thought on how you will receive information without tv and
computer.  Can buy weather radio and/or battery operated tv.

16. Some people fill an extra bathtub with water that is then used to help
flush toilets.

Some ideas to start thinking about.  Know that when they give you a time
that the storm is going to hit, it is the eye.  Way before that you will get
outer bands, so must prepare way before time told.
As I write this, we are having outer bands and we are not even in the cone!
A school function was cancelled for tonight.

Fun preparations!
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