[Fredslist] Zero Carb...Community? - Shades of Green Network Radio 11-02-09

David Marks - Shades of Green Network david at shadesofgreennetwork.com
Fri Oct 30 11:36:06 EDT 2009

Hi all,

Into Zero Carbs? This coming Monday's show should be an interesting show on Zero Carbon. Get the play on words? Zero carbs -zero carbon…Oh never mind.


Have a great weekend!

David L. Marks



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Shades of Green Network Radio™
Zero Carb...Community?
Monday, November 2nd, 2009
2:00 PM (EST)

Zero carb community....Sounds like the latest diet craze out of South Beach. But we're not talking about a bunch of folks watching their carb-to-fat-to protein ratios here, people. We're talking about people watching their "carb" footprint, people. People who need people...are the luckiest people....Sorry, Barbra Streisand snuck in there somehow... But really, there are 10,000 people in Iowa who are building a Zero Carbon Footprint Community...go figure...What will those midwest greenies come up with next? non-GMO Corn? I mean c'mon...people. 

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Our Guest

Stuart Valentine is President of Iowa Progressive Asset Management (IPAM) a full spectrum investment advisory and management firm. IPAM is dedicated to a client centered, values based approach to the portfolio planning process. In addition to active portfolio management for his clients, Stuart is actively involved in deal structuring and placement for Green Private Equity and Hedge Fund investments. He also is an expert in forward markets via his 20-year experience in the Commodity Futures and Options markets as co-founder of Crown Futures Corp. Stuart is a founding board member of the Sustainable Living Coalition (SLC) a 501C3 non profit in Fairfield, Iowa who’s mission is to educate and demonstrate workable models in sustainable living. Central to the SLCs efforts is our intensive 10-week summer intern program in Permaculture and Environmental Design. A graduate of the Evergreen State College’s Interdisciplinary Energy Systems program in 1982, Stuart also has an MBA degree from the Maharishi University of Management (1986) where he currently serves as adjunct faculty in the MBA program teaching on Sustainable Business and Community Development.

Our Hosts
Peter van Geldern and David L. Marks Co-Founders of Shades of Green Network™

Brought to you by: Shades of Green Network™ and Alternativeenergy.com


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