[Fredslist] Recent Seminar on Kids and Internet Safety

Victoria Drogin Vdrogin at LEPATNER.COM
Tue May 9 15:52:08 EDT 2006

Hi Gotham -
A long overdue note of appreciation and recognition to follow up a recent Gotham Seminar on Kids and Internet Safety
The seminar was moderated by Jen Naylor of the LI Women's Group, and was really, profoundly valuable. One of Gotham's best. I highly recommend it next time around.
Dr. Andrea Gould was the expert psychologist and spoke about how children process information differently at different ages. Raj Goel, CTO of Brainlink discussed the technology including hardware, firewalls, data security, monitoring software, and browser caching.
Sgt. Dennis Lane, NYPD Computer Crimes Squad discussed online predators, how they operate and find kids, (really chilling - his power point was terrifying...) and Susan Pickman discussed Internet fraud and scams.

And I didn't realize the true value of the information imparted, until a recent discussion with my 9 year old daughter about setting up a web profile.
As I talked to her, I heard the words of Sgt. Lane echoing in my mind - catch words that predators scan for, the dangers of mentioning friends and family or any personal info that could be used to establish rapport or familiarity. As I implemented with her, our family rules for IM chat and email, and thought about the issues both from her perspective - as Dr. Gould outlined - and from a safety perspective, I realized how much I had learned and how valuable the discussion truly was.
Thanks to all the panelists, and to Jen for organizing this powerful seminar. All with kids could benefit tremendously from the dialogue.
- Victoria (and family)

Victoria R. Drogin, Esq. 
LePatner & Associates LLP
vdrogin at lepatner.com  /  www.lepatner.com
phone:(212) 935 - 4400; fax:(212) 935 - 4404

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