Tags - outside
Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

One of my fave Stones’ LPs, Aftermath, offers a fine title to this blog. Besides Tropical Storm Isaias cutting out my power (and thus cable and Internet), a fair amount of branches and leaves littered my yard and deck. My outside monitor, albeit covered also took a hit; its replacement, same as I use in my office, arrived midweek. It “rested in the

Corey Bearak
office outside
Posted By : Corey Bearak

One of the nice thing with more temperate weather involves hanging outside. I enjoy an outdoor office in these times including as a place to compose this blog. Of course setting up the office requires more than just a RE-opening: no comparison (exists) to returning to a summer (or winter) vacation home. Making it ready requires power washing a d