Tags - mccoy
Corey Bearak
Posted By : Corey Bearak

This past Thursday I pretty much decided on my blog topic; even discussed it briefly with Nancy at the Gotham LI Legal/ LI/ LI Women Cocktail Party that eve.   As when I would scope out column topics weeks in advance, even have submissions for an upcoming The Public Ought to Know draft, events induce a change; I suspect a revisit to consideration

Corey Bearak
The Name Game
Posted By : Corey Bearak

I passed on basketball yesterday.  Folks who know me know well I do not skip ball lightly -- even during summer play at the pool when the player no longer skwer predominantly my age with a few sons merged in.  Saturday and Sunday) mornings at the Deepdale -- now  Tanenbaum -- Pool involve teammates other then my friend Len Backerman and occasionall