Tags - amazon
Corey Bearak
Buy a gift (or more), benefit a charity
Posted By : Corey Bearak

Friday's blogger inspired this commentary so whatever I planned to chat about today awaits a new day.  With many people still shopping on-line, I want to suggest making use of a special feature available through Amazon and if one chooses to shop through fave charity or non-profit so-connected, your purchase also benefits those served.  Since I chai

Corey Bearak
Queens rocks!
Posted By : Corey Bearak

After I put last week’s blog to bed, I noticed responses on twitter to a New York Times column that appeared on line last weekend – ahead of its appearance in print, one week ago today. The op-ed played on the apparent rejection by Queens residents of Amazon. The writer – incredulously to this commentator and many who shared their own valid views o