[Fredslist] [EXTERNAL] RE: November Season of Giving Matchers

Fred Klein FKlein at legal.org
Wed Nov 15 09:32:48 EST 2023

Thank you Ester!!!

On Nov 15, 2023, at 9:30 AM, Ester Horowitz <witsowitz at outlook.com> wrote:

Back when it all started, Fred came to a group that I was apart of involving healthcare professionals. He stated that Gotham had a 501 3( C ) that we may want to consider using. The question that kept pounding in my head,  to my two co-captains selected to lead the way, was how do you choose a charity among many worthy?  It brought about a brainstorm that perhaps we needed to think bigger.  We needed to come up with a way to have all charities benefit.   In that same conversation, the idea of choosing charities out of a hat was born.  It included a method to keep it very simple.  Armed with the plan, it was brought to the powers to be and about 6 months later adopted.

In 2009 The Gotham Giving campaign was launched.  Since that time, if I have calculated right, approximately $220,000 has been raised to benefit approximately 45-50 charities with an average of 3k-5k per charity. Morphing the Giving Campaign into a beloved signature of Gotham.

From my perspective, when a legacy gets created that has the power to lift not only the life of someone today, but the people associated to them from one generation to the next, that is a powerful legacy with a definition equated to being heroic.  Thank you Gotham for keeping it alive and showing the “Hero” spirit that Gotham is known for.

Warmest regards,
Ester Horowitz

“Impossible is a word thrown around by others who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
― Muhammad Ali

From: Fredslist <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com> On Behalf Of Hans Hanson
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 8:05 AM
To: Fred Klein <FKlein at legal.org>; Freds List <Fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
Subject: Re: [Fredslist] November Season of Giving Matchers

Greetings to all!

I'm on with Fred right now. He confirmed that if we hit $25,000, then we will reward 8 organizations with a $3,000 + gift!

This will be an all-time high. What started as one or two recipients years ago could hit 8 recipients in 2023... GO GOTHAM!

Thanks, Fred!

Support our Veterans here!<https://homesforthebrave.networkforgood.com/projects/181296-gold-dust-2023-campaign>

Enjoy some music here... but put on your headphones to hear it properly.

HERO (es)<https://www.reverbnation.com/turtlesntanlines/song/33510302-heroes?fb_og_action=reverbnation_fb:unknown&fb_og_object=reverbnation_fb:song&player_client_id=j29dsi7kl&utm_campaign=a_public_songs&utm_content=reverbnation_fb:song&utm_medium=facebook_og&utm_source=reverbnation_fb:unknown> is a song written and played by my son Jeff and I

H&J- Bad Moon Rising<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdrSm3KY7xY> a popular song recorded by my son Jeff and I

From 5-28-23 Veterans Fundraiser Event, here's Valerie<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dumbOcRwH5w>

From 9-16-23 at Art's Barn, here's Deadflowers<https://fb.watch/n9f5Z_qlgw/>

From my Cars show on 3/13/23-  Just What I Needed<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g23k-VOt0YM>

The coolest 5 minutes of my musical career- Moving in Stereo<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeqCSC5snb4>

Sensitive Kind<https://youtu.be/Q0xQHKovD5g>... from a private party last year; playing with professionals

Time is Tight<https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=time+is+tight+booker+t+live&view=detail&mid=C35A4207723D70F94E22C35A4207723D70F94E22&FORM=VIRE&PC=DCTE>... just a favorite of mine

National College Advisor- CollegeLogic<https://mycollegelogic.myshopify.com/>

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 5:18 AM Fred Klein <FKlein at legal.org<mailto:FKlein at legal.org>> wrote:
 It has become Tradition that Ben Geizhals and I team up to be the November Season of Giving Matchers.

It is our pleasure to help the Gotham Foundation Grant initiative come across the goal line.

When I say goal, I mean Hans Hanson's vision of our exceeding last year's total, ie, $23,333 (7 grants of $3,333). As of the moment, we are at the $18,000 mark with more than a ways to go before our 12/6 Holiday Party when we announce this year's grants.

Please make a tax deductible donation at www.Gothamfoundation.org<https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/J9nrC1w9P8t62W6vIGqYnl?domain=gothamfoundation.org> to help us reach our goal and don't forget to designate a worthy 501 c 3 charity which could be picked out of the hat by Gotham accountant Michael Garibaldi (under the careful scrutiny of Lisa Waterman) as a grant recipient

Thank you all! This is one of the best things we do :)

PS: You have to be in it to win it!
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