[Fredslist] The Magic of Gotham! Reverse Promo Thank you so much! By Robert Intelisano CLU LUTCF

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Fri Apr 7 16:17:45 EDT 2023

This is where "The Rubber Hits The Road".
It is the power of many combined to help each One.
It is the Heart that beats within the Soul.
*It is Gotham Networking.*

We laugh together, we weep together, we work together, but, ultimately, we
care for one another.
So proud of you all.

*Tessa Marquis*

*203-887-1950 - text is best!tessa.marquis at gmail.com
<tessa.marquis at gmail.com> Faster than Office email.*

On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 3:49 PM Sharon Goel <sharon at brainlink.com> wrote:

> Gotham Family;
> This is just further Proof of **OUR** Gotham Networking Motto Hard At
> Work !!
> *“It's Better to Give Than Receive, But What Goes Around, Comes Around.”*
> Thanks Fred and The Gotham Exec Team for Planting the seed over 25 Years
> ago !
> Warm Regards,
> Sharon Goel, MSE
> Sharon Goel, CFO
> Brainlink International Inc
> Ph: 917-685-2771
> http://www.brainlink.com
> http://www.sopculture.com
> 'You run your business, and leave the IT to us!'
> *From:* Promo <promo-bounces at gothamnetworking.com> *On Behalf Of *Robert
> C. Intelisano via Promo
> *Sent:* Friday, April 7, 2023 10:51 AM
> *To:* promo at gothamnetworking.com
> *Cc:* rob at insurancedoctor.us
> *Subject:* [Promo] The Magic of Gotham! Reverse Promo Thank you so much!
> By Robert Intelisano CLU LUTCF
> I was going to do a self promo but Gotham Magic once again! see below
> thank you.
> Happy Passover and Easter to those that celebrate!
> *Reverse Promo “Magic of Gotham!”*
> Twice in the last 3 weeks I have been in crisis mode since returning from
> the trip of a lifetime in Antarctica.  Could not have gotten through it
> without “The Magic of Gotham!”
> First, the banking crisis as I had to move 5 accounts from Signature and
> First Republic to 5 different banks and Gotham bankers Justin W and Limor B
> handled it swiftly and with care!
> Then my mother’s crisis!  10 days ago, she’s in perfect condition as I’m
> showing her pictures and videos of Penguins which she loves.  3 days later
> she’s in the hospital w cardiomyopathy in the heart unit.  All heart tests
> are clean, she’s moved to a regular room then all of a sudden, she can’t
> form a sentence and exhibits dementia symptoms and won’t sleep, yelling at
> nurses.  You get the picture as it goes on for 4 days until we get her
> discharged Wed at 5p.
> *Wednesday around 4p we are told she can get discharged, then in about 1
> hour here’s what transpired and couldn’t be possible without “The Magic of
> Gotham!”  Between my brother, Ross Intelisano, Esq. (Gotham Alum and
> starting Outfielder on the Gotham Softball Team).*
> 1.     Receive discharge paperwork, review and sign docs.
> 2.     Review w nurse the 5 new meds and schedule to take pills starting
> the next day
> 3.     Prep Mom, pack, organize for discharge
> 4.     Obtain walker and get it adjusted
> 5.     Go to pharmacy downstairs to get said pills
> 6.     Put Query on Fredslist for home care options and contacts at VNS
> (visiting nurse services)
> 7.     Vet VNS, CenterLight and other options sent via Fredslist
> 8.     Figure out Medicare rules to find out it takes 2-4 weeks to get
> service when we need service tomorrow
> 9.     Call/interview home care companies to initiate service
> 10.Review home care company contract on our phones
> 11.Hire Alvita Care (special thanks to Scott Bloom for connecting me to
> Tracy, the Owner and Founder)
> 12.Docusign the contract with Alvita care and pay retainer
> 13.Craft the schedule for the next 3 days
> 14.Pull cars around to the discharge area and load Mom in the rain
> One hour of organized chaos, thank you SOO much Gotham!
> Meeting Mom for lunch today and her aide.
> Off the top of my head thanks to Gothamites Scott B, Raj and Sharon G,
> Kelly W, Phyllis D, Lynda F, Helen K, Ester H.
> Thank YOU!
> Robert
> Robert C. Intelisano, The Insurance Doctor
> 111-14 76th Ave., Suite 207
> Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375  917-359-3985
> www.InsuranceDoctor.us
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.InsuranceDoctor.us&c=E,1,6rYvoyLbyhtC46bDtNQlodT2rk-UmdDjk-F1ig1cae7MTu_XBgCP-66RvLtEa8iyjYeYM5532sNVXXpTZ_Kwp6WY71T9tV771jGVnTuN&typo=1&ancr_add=1>
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