[Fredslist] Kudos to Corey & the Executive Group

Susan Zinder szinder at zinderlaw.com
Thu Dec 1 11:48:17 EST 2016

Raj - Sorry to disagree, but...

Shiva is 7 days, after which you return to your community

Shloshim is 30 days, after which you ease yourself back into life

First Yarhzeit is a year anniversary that stops the time of mourning.

No one should sit shiva for 4 years, and the good of our communities, country and world will not allow anyone from either side of the electorate to sit out and mourn what might have been for anywhere near 4 years.

Those of us who supported her are almost done with Shloshim.  It is time to get back to our community and life and pick up, move forward and work for a better community and country.

Even those who supported him need to take this election as a lesson to stay active and work to a better community and country.

No one can wait 4 years to contribute.  No one.


Susan Zinder

Law Office of Susan F. Zinder, PLLC.
1140 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor
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(o) 646-380-6715
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szinder at zinderlaw.com<mailto:szinder at zinderlaw.com>

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From: Fredslist <fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com>> on behalf of Raj Goel <raj at brainlink.com<mailto:raj at brainlink.com>>
Date: Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 8:21 AM
To: Fredslist <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com<mailto:fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>>
Subject: [Fredslist] Kudos to Corey & the Executive Group


We have rare gems amongst our midst.

Last night, Corey Bearak was the featured speaker at GOTHAM EXECUTIVE and he delved into how Trump got elected, the messaging his team got right, the mistakes Hillary's campaign made, the mistakes Obama made, etc.

Sounds like a dry topic...except it wasn't.  Corey interweaved his analysis with stories from his work on Mark Green's campaigns, his work on opposing congestion charging by Bloomberg and a lot of political inside baseball.

An added bonus was the presence of Dr. Gerry Goldhaber, world-class warnings expert, pollster and official CNN comementator.

One point both Gerry and Corey agreed on vehemently is that CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, the polling was within 1% of actual result (and Hillary did, indeed win by more than 2 million popular votes).

We also discussed the role of the media in focusing on distractions like "Trump tweeted this _____" (insert outrageous dog whistle nonsense here) while IGNORING REAL ISSUES such as his extensive conflicts of interest or that he's only attended 3 of the 24 presidential briefings.

We all agreed that as New Yorkers who know Trump, we don't like him, and are surprised/appalled that the country elected him.

Oh, and no one expects the electoral college to flip to Hillary or anyone else.

So, get ready to sit Shiva for the next 4 years as we mourn America's future, the decline in civility and the major media abandoning it's job as the 4th estate in search of ratings.

We live in interesting times...buckle your seatbelts.


Rajesh Goel, CISSP
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