[Fredslist] Interior Design Junior Designer/Assistant

Phyllis Newbert panewbert at theheartsaver.com
Sat Oct 3 15:44:46 EDT 2015

My daughter, Jiliann, has been working with an Interior Designer for over
two years and truly enjoyed her job.  Unfortunately, due to family issues,
the company is ceasing operations. Jiliann is now hoping to find another
position in Interior Design and asked me to send her resume out on

You can see Jiliann on the website www.abacainteriors.com.  She is an
energetic, creative, beautiful young woman (and that is an objective
opinion) who gets along with everyone.  She lives on Long Island but their
clients were in the City, east end of LI, Brooklyn etc. so she is not
limited by location.

Any advice, opportunities, suggestions etc. will be greatly appreciated.
She is looking to learn and grow in the industry and I hope Gotham can
help.  Please contact me or Jiliann directly, jmnewbert at gmail.com.  Her
resume is attached.

Thank you,


*Phyllis Anne Newbert*
Vice President
The Heart Saver Institute

panewbert at theheartsaver.com
Office: 516.333.3738
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