[Fredslist] Noticing a Miracle

IrisWolinsky at aol.com IrisWolinsky at aol.com
Mon Jun 1 15:19:33 EDT 2015

Reading the below causes concern that I believe I'm remiss in this slightly 
 delayed acknowledgment
of Jeanne for her scrumptious cookies!  I saw her contest**  a couple of 
months ago, took a shot at 
answering and won.  Several days later extremely yummy cookies arrived  in 
my mailbox.  I ate every
single one (not all at once, but they didn't last too long)... and  Highly 
Recommend them.  
So learn something from Jeanne's contest and get a great treat if you  win.
** Scroll down for Question of the Month

In a message dated 5/29/2015 8:03:15 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jeanne at jeannebrutman.com writes:



Jeanne Brutman  LLC 
Website:  _www.askjeannebrutman.com_ 
Phone:  212-244-6995 
Email:   (mailto:jeanne at jeannebrutman.com) _jeanne at jeannebrutman.com_ 
(mailto:jeanne at jeannebrutman.com)  
My Blog:   
Twitter:  _JeanneBrutman_ 

Facebook: _w_ 
Pinterest: _www.pinterest.com/jeannebrutman.com_ 


Speaking  Events 
A few Organizations that  have recently asked Jeanne to  speak: 
The CPA firm of Anchin  Block & Anchin 
The Estate Planning  Council of New York City, Annual  Conference 
The Rockland Business  Association 
The Westchester Women’s  Bar Association 
The New York State  Society of CPA’s, NYC Chapter  
How can I be of service  to your Organization?  Email me for a  speakers 
list with some potential  topics! 



Noticing  a Miracle… 

I woke up late today,  around 5:35 am (that is sleeping in for me) and  
noticed a miracle.  It happens everyday,  for everyone, but none the less, it 
is a  miracle.  As I lay in my bed, I had the  honor of watching the sun 
break over the horizon  and rise over the Hudson River.  First a  brilliant 
orange yellow radiance, the slowly  building towards a half circle into a  
luminescent round object brimming with the  potential of a new day. 
Watching this  event, as I do every day, reminded me of other  miracles 
that happen daily that should be  recognized.   
I get to eat.  That’s right.  I get to eat!  Three to four times a day!  
Food I  love like berries, butter, fish and hummus.  Perhaps even sushi. 
I get to  shower.  Glorious warm to hot water pouring  over my body. When I 
worked in Senegal I  realized what a precious gift a shower, even  water 
Tea.  A  simple cup of tea made from tea leaves, brewed  to my liking and 
then sipped casually as I make  breakfast for my family. 
A  garden.  As a child I gardened with my mom,  but that was a bit more 
labor than joy.  I  liked it, but it was mostly in her control.  What to plant. 
Where to plant.  How  much to plant. When to weed.  When I could  pick the 
flowers.  As we are landscaping  our property ourselves, I now get to plan 
and  implement all these things and more.  I  have lilacs, peonies, hot 
pokers, bee balm,  coreopsis, honeysuckle, monarda and so much  more…   
My health.  I also  get the miracle of being able to landscape and  weed 
for hours without any pain.  My body  is a miracle. 
Food – Oh wait I  mentioned that already…   But I really like  food . 
Books, Magazines, a  Nook.  So many ways to read and access  learning!  I 
LOVE this.  Perhaps more  than food! 
A home.  Let me  define.  A home is where your loved ones  live, laugh and 
grow with each other.  I  have that.  I may not have everyone I love  living 
under the same roof, but I have a safe  place where I am surrounded by 
love, not judged  and can give freely without exception or  skepticism. 
I could keep going, but  it would be better if instead of me writing  about 
the things that I am grateful for as they  are miracles, you could perhaps 
set aside five  minutes to think of yours.  And if you can  spare the 
effort, send me a few of yours please.  Make today remarkable… 
Love,    Jeanne 




Question of the  Month 
This month’s  question…The first person to email me at  
Jeanne at jeannebrutman.com with “I want my  Cookies!” in the subject line and the correct  
multiple choice answer typed out in the body and  a good snail mail address, 
will get cookies  mailed to them!  I will give the correct  answer in the 
following month to keep the rest  of you out of suspense. If you have won in the  
last year, please feel free to email me, but let  us give another person 
the  cookies! 
There is much discussion  about retirement and retirement statistics.  
Which of the following statements is true about  retirement? 
1. The average  retirement age is at age 65 or  later 
2. Women have  typically less saved in retirement because they  are usually 
the homemakers if there are children  and caretakers if elderly relatives 
need  assistance 
3. Close to 70% of  the population retire either because they lack  
employment options or their health prevent them  from working any further 
4. The average  length of retirement is 18 years  
5. The average  amount in savings for a 55 year old is  $65,000 
And now for last month!  The correct answer is in Bold and  Underlined. 
Roger responded correctly to the  newsletter last month right after its 

Considering over  64,000,000 are receiving Social Security  presently in 
the United State, it would be good  to know a little about it… 
Which of the following  options is true of Social  Security? 
1. If were married  to John for 15 years and then divorced and then  John 
remarried Elaine you can both receive  Social Security Benefits under his 
work  history. 
2. When  calculating your income while receiving Social  Security benefits, 
included is  net  earnings, bonuses, vacation pay and commissions  earned. 
3. Social Security  Benefits can be garnished for your legal  obligations 
to pay child support and  alimony. 
4. You should  apply for your Social Security Benefits 1 month  before you 
want benefits to  commence. 
5. You have up to  10 years to correct any errors in reported  income on a 
Social Security  Statement. 
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4  (Choice for is not technically correct but  can apply, 
should say You must, not You should  and then the correct answer would be 1, 2 
and 3  or B) 
B. 1, 2, and  3 
C. All of the  above 
D. 1, 3, 4 and  5 
Thanks  again for reading and taking the cookie  challenge… 

This  message was sent to IrisWolinsky at aol.com from: 
Jeanne  Brutman | jeanne at jeannebrutman.com | Jeanne Brutman LLC | Jeanne 
Brutman  | Nyack, NY 10509  
Email  Marketing by  (http://www.icontact.com/a.pl/144186)  
_Manage  Your Subscription _ 

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