[Fredslist] Transgender Lives call for Workshop Proposals 2015

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Thu Sep 4 14:50:47 EDT 2014

This is a terrific Conference! If you have workshop or presentation, please apply soon. There are several simultaneous tracks – all interesting and informative.  Very fast-paced.


Sample suggested topics include: 

*         Partner(s) and family

*         Health care coverage & government 

*         Aging population

*         Policy/civil rights

*         New guidelines for traveling

*         Allies

Also, I want to invite anyone within Gotham to forward this email to your friends / co-workers / clients / family. It is a busy, fun, educational, and enjoyable conference, and a benefit to all who attend.


Read on and Click on the “Submit Your Workshop Proposal” link to learn more about previous events. 


See you there!



Tessa Marquis
Member, Gotham New Haven

“It is Better to Give than to Receive”
“Whatever Goes around, Comes around”


New Standard Institute, Inc. <http://www.newstandardinstitute.com/> 

Specializing in Electrical & Mechanical Skills and Maintenance Management training.
“Training that Works…for People who Work”

84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
203.783.1582 x101 
 <mailto:tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com> tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 




From: CT TransAdvocacy [mailto:jerimarie at transadvocacy.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of CT TransAdvocacy
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 2:08 PM
To: tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Subject: Transgender Lives call for Workshop Proposals 2015


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CT TransAdvocacy Coalition


Dear Tessa,

Call for the Ninth Annual Transgender Lives Conference Workshop Proposals


Deadline for Proposals is December 19th!


Our Ninth Annual Transgender Lives: The Intersection of Health and Law Conference will be held on April 25, 2015 at the UConn Health Center in Farmington, Ct. in preparation for this conference we are announcing our CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS for the conference. You can submit your workshop electronically by clicking the link below titled: Submit Your Proposal. This online form explains all relevant details for submission and will allow you to fill out your proposal online. Workshop space is limited and all proposals will be reviewed for applicability and relevance to the conference theme and audience. We encourage you to submit your proposal as soon as possible.




 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013GIL8wIh0PUyAvTuU9RZN1-3G6lsVBlcsHCvig1xIXaHXXyVmFQpTkf3Mg_l4esCuti11mBZugAou1Q0qZUOqtBcHcEzGwHbdYB9RMTola8YALducYCavWkXOfgS_V_UtzA65NCD4kT_o27-UQQQPUTFU75tcfnuraa965s45_OreBCcbGfJLdRQJqZYl7gFayy19DsZAiGSdX7s5BE3c5SviWrFGoshYL14oxvHP02yaPUQZ2ImrNi_b-Yp-J-SJQ-zqZtxel9fOSlVrPPdpnSJixB8K4GLp7K5DzuXhTfMxSbtgnMYdw==&c=PaSy-uFZGBDwNMf90OOHjLgsnzdfwQ6Od-RFZvhGpKJ7VHvnqUSylg==&ch=X0dpgSeMSGEr5w5opjmu0AgqUqrl1inGWR23HJmGfflTqg0HxjklIA==> Click Here to Submit Your Workshop Proposal


 We also encourage you to forward this Request for Workshop proposals to any colleagues, friends, family or distribution lists you feel would be interested in doing a workshop at the 2015 Transgender Lives: The Intersection of Health and Law Conference.  


As this conference has dramatically grown over the years, we recognize that many of you have very important topics and experience which fold into our theme of The Intersection of Health and Law. Workshop space is limited and all proposals will be reviewed for applicability and relevance to the Conference theme and audience.  If you feel you have a workshop that would benefit the conference then we encourage you to submit your proposal at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please  <mailto:conference at transadvocacy.org> email us.


Your Conference Team 

Ct TransAdvocacy Coalition

P.O. Box 111

Farmington, CT 06034

(860) 255-8812

 <mailto:conference at transadvocacy.org> conference at transadvocacy.org




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Ct TransAdvocacy Coalition | PO Box 111 | Farmington | CT | 06034


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