[Fredslist] New Poll

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 11 11:39:31 EDT 2014

HISTORY IS ABOUT TO BE MADE!!   FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OUR POLLING HISTORY, WE ARE POSTING THREE POLLS AT ONCE.   We think if you can walk and chew gum, you can handle three polls simultaneously.  So here goes!
This is the 20th anniversary of the start of the OJ Simpson Trial for the murder of his wife, Nicole and their friend, Ron Goldman.  Do you think he did it or do you still think he is innocent?  Go to the Gotham Website (www.gothamnetworking.com) and voice your opinion on this very controversial subject;  and then, visit the website often to compare your opinion with that of your fellow Gothamites.   Your Pollster, Dr. Gerry Goldhaber
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