[Fredslist] Tonight's Party

Debra Miron dsmiron7 at optonline.net
Tue Jun 10 10:17:15 EDT 2014

The event last night was lovely.... friendly, engaging and nice to meet 
Gotham members outside of our chapter.
As a new member, it was my first Gotham cocktail party and I appreciated 
the warm, friendly welcome.
Beautifully orchestrated and lovely venue.
Thank you again for all the effort to put together a really nice 
Elizabeth said it beautifully, see below!  Congrats on winning the wine 
bottle!  Enjoy and nice meeting you!
Debbie Miron

DSM Marketing
Authorized Shaklee Distributor

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 01:05 AM, Elizabeth Marner-Brooks wrote:
Nancy did a beautiful turn as M.C., explaining the ins and outs of 
Gotham-speak and Gotham's history & purpose at the Orientation. 
Mitch wore a stand-out tie and projected his voice superbly, as he 
explained the website capabilities.
Debbie was, as always, efficient in the calmest, most poised way…as is 
her wont.  
Fred, a bit under the weather, was still sharper than most.

Seeing people I've known since I was introduced to Gotham and meeting 
new people is always a lovely way to spend an evening.

Bonus: I won the raffle for a bottle of wine…donated by Bruce Nevins.  

Thank you all for putting it together!


Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice
P.O. Box 237025
NYC, NY 10023

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