[Fredslist] Summer Planning Workshop JCC Manhattan Dec 4

Jill Tipograph/Everything Summer jill at everythingsummer.com
Tue Dec 2 11:18:34 EST 2014

Hi Everyone:


Just want to share information on a workshop I am giving on December 4, at
the JCC Manhattan. Everyone is welcome: 


"Summer Planning for Kids & Teens with Special Needs" 


Everyone is welcome. The JCC details are below. You can also click on the
link below to register (you need to register in advance):


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 <http://www.jccmanhattan.org/special-needs> special needs > programs for

Summer Planning for Kids and Teens with Special Needs


Join nationally recognized summer and youth expert Jill Tipograph,
independent counselor and Founder/Director of Everything Summer(r), as she
discusses the best way to plan a safe and successful summer for children and
teens with special needs. Jill's strategy involves setting goals,
identifying your family's philosophy/purpose, communicating directly and
candidly with camp directors and professionals, and knowing the right
questions to ask about camper eligibility, fit, and ability level. Jill will
also touch on important strategies for behavior, medical or mobility needs,
as well as tips for preparing your camper/teen for the transition into their
summer camp/program (when to communicate, how to deal with homesickness or
anxiety, developing coping strategies, etc.). 

Jill Tipograph is a Manhattan-based, nationally recognized youth and summer
expert and the Founder/Director of Everything Summer(r), the only
independent resource dedicated to summer planning guidance. A parent
consultant and researcher for nearly 20 years, Jill has advised thousands of
kids, teens and families on how to choose the best and most appropriate
summer programs. Working with both mainstream and special needs students,
she has advised clients who attend(ed) top independent schools, and those
specializing in learning differences. Special focus schools include: The
Eagle Hill School, The Churchill School, The Gateway School, Mary McDowell
Friends School, Stephen Gaynor School, The Windward School, Winston Prep and
York Prep amongst others. Jill is the "go-to" media resource, having been
featured on WNBC TV's Today Show, NBC TV News, ABC News, WPIX-TV, NY-1 as
well as in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Real
Simple, Smart Money Magazine, Business Week, Forbes, Time Out NY Kids and
other regional and syndicated media. She is also the author of Your
Everything Summer Guide & Planner, a reference handbook on how to plan the
right summer. 





Thu, Dec 4
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

$20.00 Member
$25.00 Nonmember




For more information, or to register, please call 646-505-5708.Questions?
Ask for Hannah Kaplan Cohen,  <mailto:hcohen at jccmanhattan.org>
hcohen at jccmanhattan.org



Please feel free to share this event with colleagues and clients. I am
excited to share my insights and tips from my 20 years as an industry youth
expert and educational consultant! 


If you would like me to bring this presentation (or a variation) to a school
or group you work with, or wish to learn more about our independent work in
the summer and enrichment areas with mainstream and special needs
populations (from camp to college and beyond), please email me directly (
<mailto:jill at everythingsummer.com> jill at everythingsummer.com).


Thank you and I hope to see you and/or those whom can benefit from the
workshop, on December 4 at the JCC Manhattan.


Jill Tipograph 
Everything Summer, LLC

>From Camp to College ... and Beyond 

 <mailto:jill at everythingsummer.com> jill at everythingsummer.com 
 <http://www.everythingsummer.com/> www.everythingsummer.com 
Author of  <http://www.everythingsummer.com/guide.htm> Your Everything
Summer Guide & Planner 
Professional Member, Independent Educational Consultants Association

Connect with me on:
 <http://twitter.com/jilltipograph> Twitter 



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