[Fredslist] Princeton celebrates two new members who are the best!

Suzanne Neilson suzanneneilson at comcast.net
Sun Aug 17 20:09:31 EDT 2014

Gotham Princeton is pleased to welcome to our group two dynamic new members
who will be a wonderful addition.


Helena Bouchet, Principal of Executive Words, has a wealth of experience in
both sales and writing.  Helena is an expert at helping executives and
anyone who needs to present themselves and their company either internally
or to the public at large.  Helena has unique skills in interviewing and
listening to people so that she can translate their visions and purpose into
written materials that convey to others what they do and how they add value.
Most of us can use some honing of our "message," and Helena is invaluable in
that respect.


Brigitte Sabra is in the real estate business, having transferred her 30
years of sales, management and development skills in top-of-the-line
designer furniture (Knoll!) to property sales. As a realtor, Brigitte
incorporates all of her skills in assisting clients to find the best
possible place to live and work.  Brigitte's mission is to offer quality,
full-service assistance in helping people to find just the right places for


Come to our next Princeton luncheon, Friday, September 19, to welcome these
exceptional women and, as an aside, to visit with the rest of us too!


Suzanne Neilson

GC, Gotham Princeton

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