[Fredslist] Special Amazing Marketing Offer - Not From Me

Mitchell Tublin mitchtublin at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 2 13:11:45 EST 2013

Hi Gotham,

Each year I volunteer to assist The Stamford Chamber of Commerce
in a New Member Drive.  This is strictly a volunteer function.
Why is this email worth reviewing?
Rather than give you all of the details in a long email, here is the bottom
line - If you or someone you know would like to have their business get
in front of over 6,000 eyeballs and ears through multiple media outlets
for a minimal cost ( almost free! ) in the Westchester and Fairfield County
markets - contact me and I will send you the details.

This offer has a time limit on it of the next few days so don't think,
"Sounds good I will get back to this email later."
Act Now.  You won't be sorry.  There is even a Guarantee in their offer!

Oh and did I mention there are great networking opportunities as well?

Enjoy Your Weekend,
Mitch Tublin ( not the Gotham Webmaster )
Business Consulting and Executive Coaching
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