[Fredslist] Need an apartment July 14 - 21 in NYC -- or place to stay

Phyllis Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Fri Jun 21 20:07:26 EDT 2013

Dear Gotham,


This is a wonderful opportunity for someone who can help:    An apartment in
Paris to swap for yours in Manhattan for July 14 - 21?  


My friend Janeen Koconis (www.kocony.com <http://www.kocony.com> ;
www.kocoecards.com <http://www.kocoecards.com> ) lives in Paris and is pals
with the editor-in-chief of a magazine called "Connaissaince des Arts."  His
name is Guy Boyer.  You can Google him.

Guy will be in New York July 14-21 and needs a place to stay.  Preferably, a
pied-a-terre -- or a comfortable spare room.  


He'll pay; actually, Janeen wants to pick up the tab for him.  


                And/or, Janeen's got a fabulously furnished apartment in
Paris that she rents out that she'd swap.  

                Take a look, at  www.rentals-paris.com/stroch.shtml
<http://www.rentals-paris.com/stroch.shtml>  .  To drop a name:  Josh
Zinder's seen it!

But for Guy:  Do any among us have an apartment or spare room they would
extend to this fellow for the week?  Or can you recommend a B&B in the city?


Please extend the offer to anyone else you know.  It'll be magical for
whomever is lucky enough to accept the deal.


Thanks, guys --




Phyllis E. Dubrow | Attorney at Law

60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600 | New York NY  10165

T: (212) 661-2885 | F: (212) 409-8682 | E: pdubrow at pipeline.com








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