[Fredslist] Passion & Work - Intergenerational e-Tip - October 2012 (promo)

Phyllis Weiss Haserot pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
Fri Nov 2 12:49:57 EDT 2012

My heart goes out to all Gothamites and families who have suffered damage or loss of power in the monster storm Sandy. Let me know if I can help you. Thankfully, we have been fine.

For a positive distraction, here are my monthly insights on generational diversity challenges - and some observations from my exhilarating recent Baltic vacation to 3 cities.

> Click to view this email in a browser
> *Cross-Generational Conversation*
> October,  2012
> Welcome to
> Phyllis Weiss Haserot’s 
> Observations from my recent vacation
> New Content on the Practice Development Counsel web site
> e-Tip: Passion and Work: A Gen Y Tells It Like It Is
> Speaking Testimonials
> Converse with Me – Topic of the month
> Resources for You
> Upcoming Speaking and Popular Topics
> Click on the photo to "Meet Phyllis"
> Before I left for my latest vacation – this time in the Baltic region – I promised readers of this newsletter to relate my observations on 3 cities in this interesting region. So click here for a few highlighted general impressions from my recent trip to Helsinki, St. Petersburg and Tallinn.
> New Content on the Practice Development Counsel Web Site
> My article Gengagement: A Multigenerational Approach to Engagement and Retention, which appears in the September/October issue of Law Practice Magazine, applies well beyond the legal profession. Have a look. 
> I’ve started a video series of Quick Tips, which will be posted regularly to our YouTube channel, Generational GPS, and our web site.
> Follow me on Twitter @phylliswhaserot
> A warm WELCOME!! to all new and continuing readers. I aim to provide you with much information to use right away and other insights to chew on in this newsletter, Cross-Generational Conversation Linkedin group (video) and my video series. If you connect with me on Linkedin, I will send you a personalized invitation to join.
> Phyllis 
> And now here’s this month’s e-Tip. You can always find past e-Tips at http://www.pdcounsel.com/multi-generational-e-tips/. And check out the Practice Development Counsel web site for many more articles and programs on multi-generational solutions, business development strategies, influence skills and organizational effectiveness.
> In almost every group discussion I’ve participated in with college students and young alums as a mentor, cross-generational networker, coach or friend, the question of following or having a passion in one’s work comes up. It’s become gospel that “passion” is necessary to succeed or be happy in or at work. And at networking meetings we are frequently asked to mention our passions to build relationships. In a discussion at a dinner meeting of students and alumni of the Cornell Women’s Network this summer, I took the opportunity to speak up for those who haven’t identified a passion (yet) or maybe don’t know what passion is for them. (I am passionate about my work and other things now, but for a long time I thought that there were a lot of things I like a lot but didn’t know what the passion was supposed to feel like that we – not just the young - are supposed to follow.)
> So I was delighted to read a Gen Y/Millennial contribution to the New York Times “Preoccupations” column (9/30/12) titled “Follow a Passion? Let It Follow You.” He explains and explores the myth and relates his own experience. It also helps to explain the new label “Hesitation Generation.” 
> Cal Newport, age 29, now a computer science professor at Georgetown University, wrote of his generation, READ ON HERE
> Has this changed your mind about the “follow your passion” gospel? Has it reduced your stress if you have not identified a passion or worry that your choice may prove less than perfect? Please share your thoughts.
> Phyllis 
> © Phyllis Weiss Haserot, 2012. All rights reserved. 
> Help your colleagues:  If you liked this article, please share it with your colleagues and friends, Tweet it, Retweet it and “Like” it on your social media. Be sure to include the copyright, © Phyllis Weiss Haserot, 2012 and www.pdcounsel.com.  
> Follow me on Twitter @phylliswhaserot
> * The generational chronology for easy reference: Generations are defined by the similar formative influences – social, cultural, political, economic – that existed as the individuals of particular birth cohorts were in adolescent-early adult years. Given that premise, the age breakdowns for each of the four generations currently in the workplace are approximately:
> We’re lining up speaking engagements and would love to add your firm or association. See the Green Column  at the right for some popular topics. Phyllis is available to speak at your organization or at firm retreats on inter-generational relations, organizational effectiveness and business development topics. Call 212-593-1549 or e-mail pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com for a longer list of topics or to custom-tailor your own.
> Some comments from past audiences:
> A big thank you to our speaker Phyllis Haserot for her terrific discussion about "The six things to know about each generation that will change how you interact, persuade, recruit and sell." Phyllis, your delivery was so animated and your presentation made the topic very interesting. We all learned so much that will be valuable everyday.
> — Nancy Heiser, The Heiser Group, UBS
> Dear Phyllis, Thank you so much for serving as a panelist at our event, Bridging the Generation Gap: Reaching Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials. It can be challenging to connect various age groups, but your actionable tips were so helpful and will help our attendees to be more productive and connect with various audiences.
> — New York Women in Communications, Inc. 
> THANK YOU for what I considered to have been a fantastic event. I really enjoyed myself and the results are in: a very high rating!
> — Ashley Binter, Associate Director, Cornell Silicon Valley (CSV) Office of Alumni Affairs, Cornell University
> I loved the Gen XtraordinaY program and the subject matter. It’s always a good reminder to hear about the differences each generation brings to the workforce. Very informative and worthwhile.
> —Terry R. Yoffe, TRY Coaching LLC 
> Thank YOU very much for the very enlightening talk – you were terrific and I think everyone was impressed. – I really enjoyed working with you.
> — Dara Lamb Atelier 
> I so enjoyed your presentation. Your delivery and the interaction were great, and the subject matter was very interesting.
> — Harriet Orol, Connell & Wiener LLP 
> Thanks so much for a very interesting and engaging presentation at the STRIDES event. The topic generated much interest (and, as you experienced, much discussion).
> — Law firm partners, co-chairs of the Women’s initiative
> Learn about our *Generational Wisdom for Mentors and Mentees* programs. Call 212-593-1549 or e-mail pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com.
> For coaching, training and special programs on business development and inter-generational relations and maximizing the potential of young professionals, call or email Phyllis for an exploratory talk or complimentary coaching session at 212-593-1549 or pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com. We also provide *Next Generation, Next Destination* transitioning planning programs and services for baby boomer senior professionals and their firms.
> Looking for guest bloggers to add great content to your blog? If it’s relevant, I’m looking for opportunities to guest blog and for point-counterpoint interaction on my blog, www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com as well.
> About Phyllis
> Phyllis Weiss Haserot, dubbed “the cross-generational voice” because she strongly identifies with three generations in the workplace today (Boomers, Gen X and GenY/Millennials), brings an unusual combination of marketing, conflict resolution, and organizational effectiveness, expertise and proven skill to help organizations solve sensitive inter-generational challenges that can hinder productivity, client retention, succession planning/knowledge transfer and business development results.
> Phyllis Weiss Haserot
> Practice Development Counsel
> Consulting/Coach to the Next Generation
> Creator of *Next Generation, Next Destination* and *Cross-Generational Conversation*
> Chime in on this month’s dialogue topic:
> Is work a part of your weekend?  This topic has raised a lot of discussion on the Cross-Generational Linkedin group and others.  Add your voice.  (If not a member, search for the group on Linkedin and join.)
> Send questions for Phyllis to answer and ideas for future e-Tip topics. And we’re interested in your thoughts on how to make our communications ever more valuable to you.
> Watch our newest videos on our Generational GPS YouTube channel:
> "7 Steps To Achieve Great Relationships With Clients Of A Different Generation"
> "7 Tips For Harmony When Older Workers Report To Younger Managers"
> KEEP UP WITH OUR Provocative BLOG: www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com 
> The Business Case: #Generational Diversity No.1 
> Interview With Phyllis Weiss Haserot On Coach World TV
> Follow A Passion To Your Next Destination?
> Visit our blog - comment and subscribe by RSS feed or e-mail. http://www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com 
> We aim to be a valuable resource for you and your organization. Tell us how we can help you!
> View videos on Phyllis’ books
> The Rainmaking Machine
> New edition.  Lower price and 20% discount for my newsletter readers.
> For 20% Discount, Enter Offer Code: 649117P16769 at the bottom of the Checkout screen
> The Marketer's Handbook of Tips & Checklists
> 20% discount for my newsletter readers.
> For 20% Discount, Enter Offer Code: 649117P16768 at the bottom of the Checkout screen
> Phyllis will facilitate a program for the ABA Women Rainmakers in New York on Making Time for Marketing on November 14th. Contact pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com for an invitation.
> Phyllis  presented a program on Generations and Money for the Financial Planning Association, New York chapter on October 17th. 
> Replay of Phyllis’ September 10th Coach World TV interview is available here.
> Ronald Allen’s blog talk radio program, “Managing Life’s Changes” featured a conversation with Phyllis on August 8th.  It's available on demand here.
> Some of Phyllis’ popular topics:
> • 5 Things to Know About Each Generation that Will Change How You Interact, Persuade, Recruit, Retain and Sell 
> • Productivity Rocket: Facilitating Dialogue within Multi-Generational Work Teams 
> • Collapse the Gaps: 5 Ways to Master Cross-Generational Conversation with Clients, Work Teams, Co-Workers and Alliance and Mentor Partners 
> • Professionalism and the Generational Divides 
> • Protecting the Family Jewels: Multi-Generational Solutions to Client Retention and Talent Development 
> • How the Generations Think About Collaboration and Teamwork: Making It Work 
> • Talk About the Last Taboo: Generations & Money – different generations’ attitudes about rewards, incentives and philanthropy 
> • It’s Complicated: The Paradoxes of Gen Y/Millennials and Boomers 
> • From Multi-Generational Angst to Inter-Generational Harmony: Sustainable Solutions to Your Challenges – an interactive and solution-producing session 
> Call 212-593-1549 or e-mail pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com for a list of topics or to custom-tailor your own.
> Please forward our e-Tips to everyone you think would be interested. Upon request they can receive a complimentary subscription directly. Send an e-mail to 
> pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
> with "Inter-Generational Relations" in the subject line or sign up directly at http://www.pdcounsel.com "Join Our Mailing List."
> Publication rights will be granted with request for permission only.
> Tel: 212-593-1549
> Email:  pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
> Website:  http://www.pdcounsel.com
> Blog:  http://www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com/
> Linkedin:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/pwhaserot
> https://twitter.com/#!/phylliswhaserot
> Generational GPS YouTube Channel: 
> http://www.youtube.com/user/pwhaserot?feature=results_main
> If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the following link: Unsubscribe
> Practice Development Counsel
> 60 Sutton Place South
> New York, New York 10022
> US
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