[Fredslist] Hamptons Rental July 20-22?

Danielle J. Schivek dschivek at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 17:23:20 EDT 2012

Hello Gotham!

Friends of mine are looking to rent in the Hamptons next weekend July
20-22.  They prefer South Hampton but really wherever in the area is
fine. They're willing to spend as much as $1,500 a night total for
8-10 people for the weekend.  All guests would be 25+ in age, and are
in banking, real estate etc. No frat parties!  They have looked on
Airbnb.com but does anyone happen to know of anything that will be
available?  Any other sites that would be useful to the search is
great as well.

Thank you!

Best, Danielle Schivek

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