[Fredslist] Gotham Green and Our Spotlight

Gail Koelln gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com
Fri Feb 4 10:59:16 EST 2011

Fellow Gothamites:

Gotham Green had a great meeting on Tuesday, including a surprise, brief joint meeting with Gotham Women's group at the end of our time at the Friars Club!

We have begun spotlighting one member at each meeting and in Tuesday's spotlight was David Alexander, President of Opal Computing and Green Wave Email Marketing.  David is passionate about helping the environment and does so in part through his businesses, which are carbon neutral and support environmental nonprofits, among other green activities.

David gave an engaging and informative presentation on how a company can work in the IT sector AND be green at the same time.  I've already been using David's Green Wave Email Marketing system for monthly newsletters and I feel doubly good that I'm supporting a fellow Gotham member AND helping the planet at the same time!  Think about THAT next time you want to send out an email blast to customers or if you need other help with your computer systems and/or web site.
Enjoy your weekend!

Gail Koelln, Certified Professional Coach
Coaching Family Members Caring for Elderly Relatives
(718) 776-7284
gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com

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