[Fredslist] Using our Collective Brains

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Fri Feb 4 11:06:01 EST 2011

There are many studies of bees involving their swarms and behavioral
activity regarding crowd mentality, but in Political Blogging and computer
tech circles there is a use of "Hilve Intelligence". Most often this is used
in open-source software development but sometimes it is rally effective in
the manner that FredsList functions: informational resource groups.

So here it goes, dear network:

I am a big proponent of mentoring in the workspace. In our 20 years of this
company, I have always had at least one paid intern from a local high school
or college. The goal is to teach them office skills, add to their resume
skills list, and find them connections for their future careers.

I am proudest of the 16 year old we helped to achieve her current position
as a Congressional Page in Washington DC for the remainder of the school
year. To replace her, I hired 2 high school juniors, ho are currently
exploring their options for college and careers. Erin knows she wants to
write and is looking at Journalism and English - preferably at Barnard or
NYU. I can get her some startere ork this summer, I think. Kate, however, is
less sure what she wants to do. Yesterday I used a conversational crowbar to
get the idea of Economics out of her. 

Great. Like I have any CT contacts in economics for a high school intern
this summer!

Gotham Hive Mates?  New Haven County or along the MetroNorth Corridor for
this summer. 

Did I mention that she is very smart and multi-talented, just a little soft
spoken with adults. I should be able to solve that by June.


Tessa Marquis
Gotham New Haven
New Standard Institute, Inc. 
84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
203.783.1582 x101 
 <mailto:tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com>
tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 


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