[Fredslist] Fwd: Holocaust Survivor Sally Frishberg Speaks in Brooklyn

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Thu Aug 11 20:46:26 EDT 2011

Hope you can make it.


 Danny Mizrahi

 p:  (212) 737-0608
 m: (516) 606-4326
 f:   (877) 737-2282

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Tingling <king at mysite.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 5:56 PM
Subject: Holocaust Survivor Sally Frishberg Speaks in Brooklyn
To: dm at contangoit.com

        [image: Pic 1] *Holocaust Survivor Speaks*
Joanna DeKalb School (PS 270)
241 Emerson Place
Brooklyn, NY 11235

Driving Directions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=m9lkfgeab&et=1106788197845&s=3226&e=001Yq5rCktXvXmDQe2vRNTqdQMJCRG14yWBFz3LJujzc-pP-kkq-oMgWMOjWDsgpGqMPFF9bep7vogv1njslb4zV5qlTOJkWiFALvEibTGwXQO8H-1wacq7Ee_B5Fnb5PTjL478o59Bcd4BXbxi_7QY0C82Divv4qn55yOBNqPOI8-nFbABxXfbcAH4u0YoA-Ufjb9TyZ4CVL4XbK3MgmoaBcrgwmOJ4abYcj7wqhkUdCI=>

Tuesday August 16, 2011 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
Add to my calendar<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=m9lkfgeab&et=1106788197845&s=3226&e=001Yq5rCktXvXnVrwNcw_7SpxWtXC64nxo3cwocqZeDbQPTfJKvAc-9h1tcRr95rdANt08Oyg_-AmIJnv6j6ScrsPAJXbKOoORZBjAYTdMEmTZcUOkvywUKdKOEiTovSif0KaOFNtxiGjQCiUEaBISX-OZFdp4kWahfhXZXxX_AyzkgKA-4_f_MZjnxZj28rlOBsUVBERE-GSs=>

    Dear Friends,

I am inviting you to hear the story of a wonderful, kind, faithful and
forgiving woman, Sally Frishberg- Holocaust Survivor.

For all her perky warmth and enthusiasm, Sally Frishberg was once
unusually quiet.
As a child in Poland during World War II, she and her family hid from the
Nazis in the attic of a Catholic  man's barn.

Three years after the Soviets liberated them in 1944, the family traveled by
boat to the United States. Sally recalled, when she was on the boat
traveling to America, a European Woman chided a 13- year old Ms. Frishberg
for jumping into a bunk she wanted for herself.

 "You dirty little Jew," Ms. Frishberg remembers her saying. "If I had my
way, you would have been dead." Seeing the anguish on the young girl's face,
a Black American matron lady of the ship," as Ms. Frishberg called her,
rocked her in her arms and comforter her.  "I suddenly realized that somebody
cares," she said, her voice surging with emotion. "She was a Black American,
I was a European Jew, but there is, I think, this understanding of human

Come and here more of Sally's story on Tuesday August 16, 2011

   *Register Now!<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?llr=m9lkfgeab&oeidk=a07e4g924f3962f99e5&oseq=a022hmgjq1fmhf>

*I can't make it<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/decline?llr=m9lkfgeab&oeidk=a07e4g924f3962f99e5&oseq=a022hmgjq1fmhf>
   Should you have any questions about the event, please feel free to
contact us at 718 753 9920

Thank you for your attention, ...see you on August 16,20011

*Graciously yours,*

Bill Tingling
School News Nationwide/ Words of Bonds

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