[Fredslist] Jack Halpern to the Rescue - I might buy him a Cape

Elizabeth Marner-Brooks elizmb at tiac.net
Sat Mar 20 10:56:54 EDT 2010

Jack is one of The Most Passionate people ever about helping the elderly live with dignity, quality care, and respect.  
As he says about himself, when talking about elder care: "Just don't get me started."

Yes, do come visit Diversity and speak with Jack...and Kelly.  There's another I would like to add: Gideon Rothschild, an advocate for the elderly, in a different capacity.  Diversity's a great group.

Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice

-----Original Message-----
>From: Linda Queenie Newman <lindarnewman at verizon.net>
>Sent: Mar 20, 2010 8:53 AM
>To: "Fredslist at Gothamnetworking. Com" <fredslist at gothamnetworking.com>
>Subject: [Fredslist] Jack Halpern to the Rescue - I might buy him a Cape
>Good Morning Along the Network,
>Just a short Post (details at a later time) to sing Jack's praises. 
>Jack was one of the dozens of concerned well wishers regarding my mother's recovery. That's greatly appreciated. 
>My tough, old mother (ask Fred, she attended a Gotham meeting several years ago) is scheduled to be released from the hospital and transferred to a rehabilitation center this Monday. 
>When the social worker made the arrangements with me, I asked if I could make one phone call...
>(Actually it was all done by e-mail)
>Details to follow, Jack saved the day and even called the hospital social worker about the new and MUCH improved arrangements.
>Let's just say Jack is worth his weight in gold and he knows his business. I am proud to call Jack a friend and fellow Gothamite. Had I not joined Gotham, my mother would be going to a different rehabilitation center. 
>Pretty amazing, huh?
>Jack Halpern, Super Gothamite, Group Coordinator of Diversity
>Remember that name, ride the circuit to Diversity with his lovely Co-Chair, Kelly Welles, a former Co-Networker of the Year. Kelly was also one of the well-wishers. 
>Sent from my Verizon wireless BlackBerry

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