[Fredslist] "I would sooner cheat on my wife than on my diet" -- Crohn's Disease and Gluten Free

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Wed Mar 10 13:47:12 EST 2010

Dear Along The Network:


Some of you have noticed and asked why I don't eat anything at the wonderful
Gotham luncheons and my response has been that "I come for the company, not
the food." Others will tell me that they heard that kosher can be ordered
and I respond that "I know that, thank you." Nonetheless, I sit and drink
glasses of water while schmoozing with and enjoying the camaraderie of my
fellow Gothamites.


Well the real reason is that I have suffered from Crohn's Disease since high
school and have already lost most of my kishkas(that's a medical term) over
the years to six bowel resections. And every time I had another surgery, my
doctor would sit next to my hospital bed and say, "Joel, you no longer have
Crohn's. You can, again, eat whatever you want."


Well, over three years ago, when he wanted to do yet another surgery, my
wife and daughter basically told him to go to hell and that they were taking
over and going the diet route. So on top of many years of no fatty foods, no
red meat, no raw fruits, vegetables or dairy products, I then went
Gluten-free. No more breads, cakes, pretzels or pasta unless they were wheat
and gluten free. It took awhile to get used to but three and a half years
later I am Crohn's free (at least in the large intestine according to the
latest colonoscopy) and loving every minute of it. My doctor refuses to
acknowledge the accomplishment because "there is no scientific proof that it
works" but my retort is "and what am I, chopped liver?"(btw, I can't have
that anymore, either)


So when I say that "I would sooner cheat on my wife than on my diet" it is
said with a twinkle in my eye. J


All the best, all the time, to all of you.


A Happy Passover and A Happy Easter To All!






Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

joel at schnurassociates.com 

www.schnurassociates.com <http://www.schnurassociates.com/>  



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