[Fredslist] Wow to Gil Efron! Wow to Marc Halpert

Tessa Marquis tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Tue Jun 15 10:40:35 EDT 2010

Gotham New Haven (held in Trumbull, CT) is always fun, informative,
humorous, meaningful, and all the other words a second cup of coffee might

We have a close, connected, and caring group. The 3 Cs!  But yesterday was
one of those extraordinary meetings.


We had a great featured speaker, Gil Efron, marketing consultant
extraordinaire. I call him the "It Man", the Clara Bow of marketing.


I have been doing sales and marketing for 30-something years and still
learned tons from him!

If you don't yet know Gil, here's the link to his profile on the Gotham
Members Page: http://www.gothamnetworking.com/members/mdbMain.php

His friendly, understandable, an truthful approach to designing a good,
comprehensive marketing approach, converting that marketing effort to sales,
while conducting solid measurement of those sales, was "It" in a nutshell.


I was able to go back to my office and hold a mini-session to my Computer
Designer Geeks to explain certain aspects of our process which are good or
need more work. I was gratified by the good stuff we do, and was able to pep
talk with my co-workers about building in our already existing
customer-friendly sales philosophy into our latest system.


Gil's new book will definitely be  a must-read. And edited by the great
Ellin Yaskey it is sure to be typo-free.


Thank you Marc for arranging this visit and ensuring he made it over the
border without incident! I think that Certificate you presented to him will
assist him with any future emigrations. I know that my grandfather had a
similar certificate than enabled him to flee Europe for the US!


Tessa Marquis
Gotham New Haven - in Surprisingly Casual Connecticut 
New Standard Institute, Inc. 
84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
203.783.1582 x101 
 <mailto:tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com>
tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 


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