[Fredslist] Raj Goel Wishes You HAPPY FESTIVUS!

Raj Goel raj at brainlink.com
Tue Dec 21 14:51:09 EST 2010

Dear Gothamites, 

Going forward, as we surf the edge of chaos and embrace disruptive
technologies while relishing the management of paradox and ambiguity in our
adaptive enterprises, my intention is to wish you a Merry Christmas* and/or
Happy Festivus* and/or Happy New Year* 

You may not know that Christmas and/or New Year's are approaching, so I
- to give you a heads-up 
- keep you in the loop 
- put it on your radar 
- flag it for your attention. 

Our consultants have reviewed a selection of world's best wishes, and - in
line with best practice - have selected the best of breed to create a
sufficiently granular yet clear, consistent and unified message aligned with
our vision and core values. 

I hope that you are not offended by the fact that I am wishing you Merry
Christmas* and/or Happy Festivus* and/or Happy New Year*. The disclaimer
below will, I hope, suffice. If not, I suggest we enter into a meaningful
dialogue, offline. 

After all, we are all stakeholders in this festive period, and we need to
harness the synergy that exists between us. The Internet's core message is
one of citizen empowerment and is breeding a can-do culture amongst many
diverse cultures. 

Best Wishes & Be Well, 

- Raj 
Raj Goel, CISSP 
CTO, Brainlink International, Inc. 
Raj at brainlink.com 
You run your business, and leave the IT to us. 

* DISCLAIMER: The wishes provided herein represent the sentiment of the
sender as of the date written and may not reflect the sender's sentiment on
the date this is first received or anytime hereafter. The sender reserves
the right to deny the sender ever wished the recipient wishes, whether warm,
cold or any temperature whatsoever. Also, the wishes are not dependent on
the warmth and may just be wishes, with all the privileges accorded to the
state of wishing, including grandiosity but not excluding practicality. The
wish, whether warm, neutral or cool, is under no obligation to come true,
but that does not exclude the possibility that it may come true.

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