[Fredslist] FW: Emailing: Hispanic Market, Mobile Retailers T-Mobile Premium Latino.htm

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova sfdecordova at FUELOUTDOOR.COM
Wed Apr 21 16:31:13 EDT 2010


My friend Tom is in charge of assigning all franchises for the new initiative for T-Mobile "Estamos Juntos" 
T-Mobile is looking for Spanish speaking entrepreneurs that have experience in the retail space and has the ability to own and run 10-20 franchises. Each store costs about 250k to open and get started, T-Mobile does the rest. They are being very aggressive about this launch.

Let me know if you know of any Spanish speaking entrepreneurs that would be interested in this opportunity.

Best regards,

Sergio A. Fernández de Córdova | Fuel Outdoor
Real Estate, Government Affairs and Legal 
149 5th Avenue, 11th Floor | New York, NY 10010
Tel: +1 212 796-4190 | Fax: +1 212 967-7337
sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com | http://www.fueloutdoor.com

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-----Original Message-----
From: Bruchalski, Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:16 PM
To: Sergio Fernandez de Cordova; Melissa Canniff
Subject: Emailing: Hispanic Market, Mobile Retailers T-Mobile Premium Latino.htm
Importance: High


It was great to see you today. Thanks again for making the time to spend and re-socialize the opportunities around "Estamos Juntos".

I've attached 2 versions of the program overview that you can send out for interest. I've Attached an English & Spanish version of the same document in case you want to send either or, or both.

Feel free to call me with any questions and lets re-connect next Wednesday @ 1:30.

Thanks again for sharing your time today!

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