[Fredslist] Outstanding H/R and Payroll person looking for a new position

Corey Milman corey.milman at acepayroll.com
Tue Jan 27 13:28:31 EST 2009

Mary has been with Treiber Insurance for 10 years. Due to the company being acquired, her services are now no longer needed so she is now starting to look for a new position.
I have know her for over 5 years and have found her to be a great team player and will make sure the work get done properly and on time. 

Please contact Mary directly. Her information is on her resume.

Thanks for your time.


Corey Milman
Ace Payroll Services
1860 Walt Whitman Road
Suite 600
Melville, NY 11747
off 516-420-9500x313
fax 516-420-9615

"Treat everyone you meet as though they are the most important person you'll meet that day." 

-- Roger Dawson, speaker and author

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