sfzinder at aol.com sfzinder at aol.com
Fri Jan 16 15:01:16 EST 2009

Gotham - HELP - my mother is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital on Sunday - - but the elevator in her house is not working and there are no bedrooms on the first floor.? She has used Arrow Elevator for its upkeep and is happy with it - but for various reasons (partially related to the cold) it won't work to have them come to her house before Sunday - - and they are closed on Sunday

Does anyone have a contact at Arrow Elevator who is high enough to get them to do a housecall on Sunday?? I will meet them at the house if need be

Please email me back ASAP

Susan Zinder

P.S.? I am also working on the hospital side of the equation? - but she needs a working elevator to get back at any time.
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