[Fredslist] Hartford visit

Judy Heft judithheft at optonline.net
Tue Aug 11 12:40:35 EDT 2009

At the crack of dawn Marc Halpert and I drove ALL THE WAY to the Hartford
group in the hinterlands this morning. We met some fabulous and very
interesting people. What a great group. The new GC is Jessica Lyon from
Co-communications and the group is still growing and could use some support.
Jessica is doing a great job as GC of the group and she knows we are all
here to help her. I told her who to bug if she has questions. 


Marc and I pontificated on the value and benefits of Gotham including Fred's
list, Promo Tuesdays and Friday, the Gotham gazette, filling in your
profile, putting up a decent photo, riding the circuit (as Marc says the
train rides both ways), regional social get togethers like the one at
Antipasti in White Plains tomorrow night, the cocktail parties, new member
orientations and just how warm and wonderful the Gotham family is. And we
both spoke of all the great friendships we have made in Gotham. We spoke
Gothamese all morning till we bored them to death. Only kidding! I hope I
didn't leave anything out. It was a lot of fun and Marc and I had such a
good time on the way up there that we missed the exit. Don't worry we were
still early. 

It was a great experience to visit the Hartford Group and if your business
takes you anywhere near there, check it out. Their breakfast was delicious
and is almost as great as our Fairfield Group. The room was inviting and the
members were gracious and happy to see us there. Hopefully they each took at
least one thing that we said and will put it to use 

So, in summary, ride the circuit and make the best use of your membership.
There are so many untapped resources in Gotham. I know I haven't even
touched the tip of the iceberg yet. More to come. 

PS if you have any contacts in the area send them to Jessica to avoid
conflicts. They have openings in many industries. 


Thanks and regards,


Judith Heft & Associates, LLC

Bill paying and daily management for busy individuals

office 203-978-1858

fax 203-978-1857

cell 917-494-3986


 <mailto:judy at judithheft.com> judy at judithheft.com

LinkedIn profile: <http://www.linkedin.com/in/judyheft>


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