[Fredslist] PROMO: Networking is a Contact Sport

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Mon Apr 6 15:43:45 EDT 2009

I've been in Gotham for many years.  Most (many?) of you know what I  
do (if not, click the links on my sig line).  I'm also an author (2  
books, 3rd on the way, a speaker and a contributor to a vast  
diversity of business publications. Here's a recent article)

Networking Is a Contact Sport

As with so many aspects of life, networking requires action and  
effort if you’re going to reap its benefits.  You can attend  
countless in-person and online events and register for every  
networking group under the sun, but you’ll get nowhere if you’re not  
actively taking the time to connect with the people you are meeting.

Networking is akin to someone opening a door just a bit. It’s your  
choice to push the door open to enter into the world of others. If  
you’re not putting your time in to follow up and form relationships,  
you’re merely peeking in the “networking” door and closing it in the  
face of potential opportunity.

Networking is truly a contact sport that requires you to be proactive  
if you’re going to win. Are you guilty of taking a defensive  
networking strategy; waiting for others to contact you? If so, the  
following tips are well worth reading and following if you want to  
achieve any level of success from your efforts.

Ask How They Want to Be Contacted
Much of the reason why so many of us don’t follow up after a  
networking event is that we simply don’t know the best way to take  
that next step. Do you email, write a hand-written note, or give them  
a call? It can certainly be confusing, but there is an easy solution  
to this. At your next networking event, ask the individuals that  
you’d like to connect with again what the best method is to reach  
them. If they are vague, they probably don’t want to pursue anything  
further. If they do tell you their preferred contact method, you can  
be confident about how to follow up, and most likely they’ll be  
anticipating it, too!

Be Timely
Ok, you now have a stack of business cards, and the thought of  
contacting everyone can be overwhelming. But, you have to do it, so  
develop a plan of action. Separate your contacts into two groups -  
the group of individuals that you want to contact for a specific  
purpose and those who you simply met but have no specific reason to  
call. Call back the first group as soon as possible. Then, send a  
note or email to the others saying how pleased you were to meet them  
and that you are looking forward to seeing them again soon.  Don’t  
forget to add everyone’s contact information into your database for  
future reference.

Be a Sleuth
Thanks to the Internet many of your contacts will have an online  
presence. Google their name and see what comes up. Then, befriend  
them on LinkedIn or Facebook. If they have a blog, write a comment  
and let them know that you enjoyed meeting them.

Focus On Giving
Instead of hoping that someone will contact you with a potential  
opportunity, make a list of who you met and how you can help them. Do  
you have a recommendation or a contact for someone? Great! Follow up  
with the information. If not, consider sending an article of  
interest, an invitation to an industry event, or even just a note or  
email that you’ll keep your eyes open for possible opportunities.

Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-445-1135 (cell)

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See my book: The Blatant Truth: 50 Ways to Sales Success" at

"What if we train them and they leave? What if we don't train them  
and they stay?"

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