[Fredslist] [PROMO] Your Elders Are In Danger

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Fri Jun 27 11:12:39 EDT 2008

Hospitals today face ever increasing pressure to quickly discharge  
their elderly patients to “rehab”, which is a code word for a nursing  
home, and in most cases that facility will be a sub-standard one. Many  
Gothamites have heard me speak about this, as I ride the circuit a  
lot. Those fortunate Gothamites who have used my services (names  
available upon request) have experienced very personally what I speak  
about. Many more will testify to my proven results.

For those who have not seen my pretty face at your group, or read my  
blog at www.myelderadvocateblog.com, here are just a few facts you  
should know for yourself and for your clients.

FACT:  If an elder enters a hospital with say, a broken hip or a  
stroke they will receive poor to mediocre care at best. This fact  
applies to many hospitals. I’ve seen it at Cornell, NYU, LIJ- 
Northshore and many others, not just inner city or city hospitals. The  
hospitals view these patients, as people who are in transit. They will  
be going to a nursing home quickly and their problems are all age  
related, and routine. Chances are that your loved ones will not  
receive any specialized care or ever see a geriatric specialist.

If they can’t feed themselves, and you are not there to feed them,  
they won’t eat. If they can’t transfer to the bathroom or use a  
bedpan, diapers will be used. These diapers will not be changed  
frequently, which could then lead to decubitus ulcers (bedsores). If  
they are agitated or combative they will be put on psychotropic drugs.  
You get the picture.

FACT:  Almost as soon as your loved one enters a hospital, the  
discharge process will begin. Soon you will asked, cajoled, and  
harassed to choose three or five nursing homes from a list of nursing  
homes in your area (or in many cases within a fifty mile radius). The  
discharge planner or case manager as they are sometimes called might  
even threaten that if you don’t choose one, they may choose one for  
you. They will ask you to sign the sheet with your choices. DON’T  
SIGN. If you do, you might receive a call from a nursing home telling  
you that your parent is there. They are supposed to inform you before  
the discharge, but they generally don’t. They will feign a  
bureaucratic mishap.

FACT:  75% of the nursing homes in this country are sub-standard  
(especially in NY). Most of the rest range from dangerous to mediocre.  
Maybe 5% are great. Anyone who tells you different has never been to  
any of these facilities. Your loved one might get an hour of good  
rehabilitation therapy, but in most of these facilities their lives  
are in extreme danger. You need to be present all the time or get an  

FACT: As soon as your elder enters a hospital or nursing home THEY  
NEED AN ADVOCATE. Even if you are there all the time they need  
protection. The powers to be will not deal with you. They damn well   
deal with me. I get results. I protect the elderly. I save lives every  
day. I am a FIXER and I have a 100% success rate and there is no one  
in this country like me. I'm not conceited just very passionate about  
what I do. I provide my services across the country.

  I offer a 10% discount to Gotham members and their families. If you  
send your clients to me they will remain your clients forever. Thank  

  Warm wishes,


Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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