[Fredslist] New! Cook with Class Blog

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Fri Jun 27 11:20:03 EDT 2008

Please see below what one of my Little Leagure players is doing.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 06/27/2008 11:17 AM -----
             "Chef Rob"                                                    
             <chefrob at cookwith                                             
             class.net>                                                 To 
                                       "'Chef Rob'"                        
             06/27/2008 11:08          <chefrob at cookwithclass.net>         
             AM                                                         cc 
                                       New! Cook with Class Blog           

Friends and cooking enthusiasts,

If you like my philosophy of food and health, then please visit my blog (
www.cookwithclass.net/blog.html) on a regular basis.  In the blog, I will
be addressing how our food supply’s decreased nutritional value has led to
major problems in regard to our health and well-being, and what we can do
to avoid the pitfalls so common in today’s food environment.

Also, as we head into summer and the height of wedding season, remember
that a gift certificate for a Cook with Class cooking lesson makes for a
great wedding present.  Lessons can be in a private or group setting and
take place in the comfort of one’s home.  Cook with Class takes care of all
food shopping for the event and the lesson plan is completely the choice of
the student.

Personalized gift certificates are available now and are redeemable
throughout the year, so call or e-mail (contact information below) to
discuss gift options.

Happy eating,


Rob Endelman

Cook with Class
Where your kitchen is the classroom

chefrob at cookwithclass.net

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