[Fredslist] Great Gotham Green lunch!

Gail Koelln gkgrantwriting at verizon.net
Fri Jun 27 09:38:13 EDT 2008

We had another fascinating Gotham Green lunch yesterday at The Friars Club.
Member Leonardo Novik spoke to us about his many businesses, including Dora
Corporation, which produces organic textiles, among other things.  His
company is even entering the solar market in South America!  It was
inspiring to hear about what his company has accomplished, much of it ahead
of their time.


We then did our usual "round the table" introductions and met a number of
interesting new guests.  Finally, we ended with a stimulating discussion
about the impact of the high price of oil on our lives and what the future
might hold.  I almost had to drag everyone away from the table at 2pm!


Thanks to all for your participation.  Our lunch on August 7 should be
another interesting one - Skip Bacchus, Director of the Omega Institute,
will be our featured speaker.


Best wishes,



Gail Koelln


GK Grant Writing

82-52 211 Street

Hollis Hills, NY 11427

phone (718) 776-7284

fax (718) 776-9806

email gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com or gkgrantwriting at verizon.net



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