[Fredslist] New SOLO Group

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Thu Sep 27 12:17:53 EDT 2007


A portion of all business owners choose to “go it alone” –– SOLO! They
consciously decide not to hire employees. So they play multiple roles…
switching hats many times throughout the day from sales to production… to
accounting… customer service… quality control… research and development…
bookkeeper, and on an on.  It is the epitome of one person working as chief
cook and bottle washer… or the proverbial one-man band.

The problem is that solo practitioners face numerous challenges. They have
no one to cover for them when they take a vacation, no one to delegate to,
no one to take over if they become ill or incapacitated, no one to run an
idea past, and no one to talk to. They rarely are able to create a business
that can be sold or transferred to another should they decide to sell and

To compensate, many solo practitioners form strategic alliances or joint
ventures. But in their offices or places of business, they truly are SOLO.

Amazingly, these highly motivated individuals wouldn’t have it any other
way. They love their freedom… and their option to do anything and
everything with their own special spin, to work at their own pace, to hold
themselves accountable, and all to their complete personal satisfaction.

Gotham City Networking is pleased to announce the formation of a new group
called SOLO –– Single Owners Leadership Organization.

SOLO provides a forum for solo practitioners to meet, exchange ideas, form
strategic alliances or joint ventures, seek out quality and reliable vendor
sources for critical issues such as health and business insurance, share
subcontractors, become an informal sales force for one another, and so on.
We expect that SOLO will evolve into a peer advisory group for its members.

Co-chairmen for SOLO are Bob Formica of Sterling National Bank––cochairman
of Formica I––and Gil Effron of Strategies for Growth. Gil––one of Gotham’s
newest members and the instigator behind SOLO––has been a solo practitioner
for over 22 years.

Group Coordinator is Jill Goldstein of Imprint Designs.

If you are already a member of Gotham, you may join SOLO without giving up
your seat in your present group. Members new to Gotham would have SOLO as
one of their choices. The no-compete rule does not apply SOLO.

Please contact me and copy Bob if you are interested in attending the
initial formation meeting.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
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